Bad Day (fluff)

486 13 12

ar1xisu request 3/3


I lock up the cash register, looking around the bakery, double checking to make sure there's nobody else here. When I see that I'm finally alone, I sigh audibly in relief.

Finally, I can go home. I'm exhausted. Today sucked.

I lock the front door, grabbing my personal belongings and exiting the bakery through the back door. I closer and lock the door behind me, turning to look out at the parking lot.

Marvelous. Could my day seriously get any worse?

I sigh to myself, taking my keys out and unlocking my car before running out to my car as fast as I can to stay as dry as possible. I swing my car door open, slamming it shut once I'm seated. I buckle myself in, driving straight home.

I feel disgusting with this stupid honey in my hair from work. I can't wait to go home and shower.

~*time skip*~

I turn my car off, mentally preparing myself for having to get out of my car and into the rain once again.

I mean... What's the worst that can happen? I'll just get more wet. And it'll make the honey more sticky. And it'll make me feel stickier in general. And- you know what? This little mental pep talk isn't really helping.

I huff in annoyance when I feel honey beginning to do from my hair onto my face.

Great. Screw it, I might as well just go inside and deal with it.

I take my keys out, unlocking my car door and slamming it behind me. I start running to the front door of my apartment complex, somehow forgetting that it's not a good idea to run when it's raining. I end up tripping over and falling, luckily only landing in grass, rather than on the concrete.

I feel around my face, feeling a small pinecone on my face and blades of grass in my hair.

Awesome. You know what, fuck it.

I slightly shrug and just stand up, walking the rest of the way to the front door of my apartment complex.

~*time skip*~

I open the front door of my apartment, tiredly closing it behind me. I drop my bag by the front door, not bothering with putting it away properly.

"Hey babe, how was- holy hell what happened?"

I hear Y/N's question and turn to him, exhaustion written on my features.

"I'm having what some would call a 'bad day'."

Y/N giggles softly in amusement, helping me to take my coat off.

"Here, babe. How about you take the rest of your clothes off and I'll meet you in the bathroom, yeah?"

I look at him curiously and nod in agreement, unsure of what he's planning. I trudge in the direction of the bathroom, quietly opening and shutting the door behind me. I take my clothes off lazily, putting them onto the counter by the sink.

Y/N comes back in soon enough, carrying in a clean outfit and placing it to the side. He takes the pinecone off of my face and throws it into the trashcan.

"I'll put these into the laundry for you, okay? Go ahead and get into the tub, and I'll get it started for you when I get back in."

I simply nod, getting into the tub.

~*teeny tiny time skip*~

Y/N walks back in, seeing me in the bathtub and smiling. He turns on the water, beginning to fill the tub.

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