Chapter 2: Reborn

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Year of Mahabharata.

  Somewhere in the forest cries were heard of a baby.

  Nearby a childless couple were wandering through the forests in search of some food. As they were walking they heard the sound of cries fill the air. They looked towards each other and the man went forward cautiously. He soon reached shore of the river whereby stood a beautiful basket in which there was a baby crying. There were some lotuses in it.

  The woman quickly went forward and took the baby in her arms . As she took the baby in her arms the baby stopped crying and looked curiously at the woman.

  The woman looked towards her husband
" Arya , this - ” She had tears in her eyes.

  " yes priye, it looks like someone threw her in ganga but thankfully mata ganga brought her here", the man said still looking at the basket for a clue as to where she might be from .

  The woman looked down as she felt a tug on her sari. The baby was looking up at her with the most beautiful eyes. They were black abyss that were pulling her in the Sagar of Mamta(ocean of motherhood) which she was deprived of for years. She decided then and there that she was going to keep this child and love her with her everything.

  “Arya, I'm keeping her”, said the woman looking determined

  " But priye -

  " Nothing Arya, we found her . This is a sign . She is a blessing to us from mata Ganga. Arya , please let me keep her" pleaded the woman.

  " Ok priye, but what will we name her? She needs a name " said the husband.

  " Because she was found in Ganga her name will be ' bhagirathi ' and
Daughter of jayant , jayanti " said indrina as she smiled at her daughter.

  " jayanti, our jayanti ", said jayant as he took the baby from his wife's hands and embraced her.

"Let's go home Arya",said Indrina.


  " Our daughter is born , Priye" smiled Shiva gazing at the couple who took their baby

  "Yes Prabhu, I'm really happy. But the struggles that await her, I also feel sad " said parvathi looking a bit worried

  Shiva smiled " Priye, a coal must be put under immense pressure for it to become a diamond. Her purpose is too big , she is born to change what happened. It won't be easy. For supporting vasudev with dharma stapna she must go through struggles to become her best self. And don't worry priye , she will be with us too and we must be ready for it".

  Shakti just smiled and nodded. She hoped her daughter will have strength to endure all which she will go through.

  Her birth was already heartbreaking. The destiny was unclear. The way to dharma was blurred. Someone from kailyug is born in dwapar to change Niyati .


Thank you so much guys for reading the first part ✌🏻.  I'll try and post everyday at night so tune in 😉.
Btw I know karna and our protagonist have the same birth and adoption but this itself will be a pivotal point for karna to be in dharma side . He'll relate to our jayanti .

Do comment if you like something and tell me about your opinion on her names. I wanted to have a name that could be broken into many names. I love Alexandra but I don't think anyone in dwapar would ever name someone as "Alexandra". Thus bhagirathi and jayanti as she'll play different role for everyone in this story.

If you see any resemblance of this story with others know that it might be inspired by it or just a coincidence. Thank you 🙏🏻.

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