Chapter 50: Illusion revealed.

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     "I want your kavaach and kundal, the armor and earrings that make you invincible," Bhayanaka demanded, "Tell me o great Karna, king of Anga... WILL YOU TRADE? YOUR PEOPLE IN RETURN OF YOUR IMMORTALITY?!"

Karna hesitated for a moment. But he knew that sacrifices had to be made for the greater good.

Summoning a knife, Karna began to cut away his armor and earrings, each cut causing him great agony. But before he could complete the task, a voice stopped him.

  "Enough Karna!...", said a voice just as Karna had made the first cut and was in process of ripping the armor off his body.

Karna looked up from his task to see two figures coming towards him from shadows. As they came forward, Karna was shocked but he immediately held his composure and went ahead and touched the feet of the person..

"Pranam Gurudev... You here?", asked Karna with joined hands. Blood was still dripping from his body where he had torn of his Kavach. "and , that to with Mitra Indrasen?"

Bhagwan Parshuram smiled and said, " What are you doing, Karna?", asked Parshuram deliberately.

Karna smiled , "Gurudev, this Rakshas...", as Karna turned around to point at the Rakshas, he saw that there was no one there. Not even his praja. There was no one, just the three individuals standing alone. He frowned in confusion.

Bhagwan smiled, " What happened, Karna?"

"Gurudev.. here...," he turned to look at his guru once again, "Here was Bhayanka , he was threatening Ang and he had a boon. So I was trading my Kavach for my Citizens...but now.."

Just then, Bhagi came forward, "Why Karna? Why are you giving something so valuable to a rakshasa? You know it can even cost you your life..."

Karna smiled, "Mitra, You gave me this crown, this kingdom. I'am a king now, and now it is my responsibility . My praja, my people are my Children now. And what father hesitates to give something of his, even his life if it could give protection to his children?"

"Sadho karna Sadho," Bhagwan Parshuram smiled proudly at his student.

Bhagirathi smiled , "I knew I was not wrong to make you King of Ang. You truly are the king People of Ang deserves!"

Saying so she smiled and waved her hands and the illusion she had casted around the ang cleared and in came a prosperous kingdom. And then, finally, the moment arrives. Bhagirathi, satisfied with what she has seen, lifts her veil of illusion, revealing the true Anga in all its splendor.

Karna is stunned by the sight that greets him. The true Anga, untouched by illusion, is even more magnificent than he had ever imagined. Its beauty is not just in its physical form, but in the spirit of its people, who have weathered the storm of uncertainty with grace and dignity.

As the truth dawns on him, Karna is overcome with emotion. He realizes the immense responsibility that has been entrusted to him – to rule over a kingdom as prosperous and beloved as Anga. But he also feels a deep sense of gratitude and humility, knowing that he stands on the shoulders of giants –the people who have toiled tirelessly to make it the kingdom it is today.

And so, as the sun sets over the kingdom of Anga, casting its golden glow over the land, Karna takes a solemn oath – to rule with justice and compassion, to protect and nurture his kingdom and its people, and to uphold the legacy of Anga for generations to come.

He looks at his Gurudev who now held a crown and his Mitra who was smiling proudly.

"Gurudev, this?" asked karna as he saw his praja coming out and surrounding the three.

"This Karna is a Your responsibility. The moment I put this on your head, you will be Angraj Karna, and that putra is not just a title, it is power that will be put on your shoulders. Remember, With great power comes, great Responsibility. So beware... your descion won't just affect you but all the people of Ang.. So tread wisely."

Karna nodded, " I will always hold that to me , Gurudev."

Saying so he bent his head down and Bhagwan Parshuram placed the magnificent crown on his head.

Bhagi smiled proudly, the crown, suited the son of Surya dev. The crown for Surya Dev's son, the divine offspring of the Sun God, is a masterpiece of celestial craftsmanship, embodying the radiance and splendor of their lineage. Crafted from the purest gold that gleams like the sun's rays, the crown is adorned with precious gemstones that shimmer with every movement.

At its center, a large, fiery ruby symbolizes the sun itself, radiating warmth and light. Surrounding the ruby are smaller gemstones – fiery carnelians, brilliant topazes, and shimmering citrines – arranged in intricate patterns that mimic the sun's corona

The crown's design is inspired by the chariot of the sun, with rays of gold extending outward, each tipped with a gemstone that glows with an inner light. These rays symbolize the sun's life-giving energy, which sustains all life on earth.

The base of the crown is lined with pearls, symbolizing purity and divine grace. Each pearl is said to have been formed from a dewdrop that fell from the heavens, imbued with the essence of the divine.

"Angraj Karna ki jai! Angraj karna ki jai!!"... all the praja started shouting loudly as they had finally got their king and as promised by Magadhraj , they had got a king who was so generous and was ready to even give up his life for them.

However, Bhagwan Parshuram was not finished, he held his hand upwards and called upon his bow which struck like a lightening on his hand.

He held the bow properly and smiled looking at it.

Bhagi too smiled wide as she saw the bow.

Bhagwan Parshuram smiled and forwarded his bow, "Karna this is my Guru's Vijaya. The one who holds this is undefeatable. Today I give this bow to you and I hope that you will always hold this with Dharma. And fight for what's right."

Karna nodded and held the bow with his hand, touching it on his head and offering a prayer , "I promise Gurudev, I will always hold this rightfully. I will always lift this to protect Dharma."

Bhagwan Parshuram smiled and blessed him wholeheartedly.

The crowd started shouting their kings name as he moved towards his Palace as suggested by Bhagi who held the thought that Karna should be introduced to all of Anga and its people.

As the sun set, the hearts of people was filled with happiness and hope. All were looking forward to the next sunrise.

As Karna had finally reached the Palace, they went to the respective rooms to rest. However, Bhagi did not have any sleep in her mind. As she got up and reached the gardens, she saw Karna was sitting alone looking at moon, still wearing his crown.

Bhagi came forward and sat beside Karna. "Night is beautiful, is it not?"

Karna with a frown turned towards his friend, "No...No Mitra..."


Did you see what i did there??😎

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