Chapter 42: Kauravas victory?!🙌⚔️

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       Soon, morning came and it was time that Kauravas show their valor . In the tent Duryodhana was standing in front of his Jiji who was wearing Black clothes with mask with a golden locket around her neck that was given by her little bro.

Duryodhana smiled, "jiji, These past months you've taught me in your best abilities. I don't know if I have been able to learn it all but I have given my all to be a good student. You are my elder and now my Guru, too. Once this war is over , I would like to give you Gurudakshina..." .

He saw how Bhagi was going to shake her head in negation . Immediately, Duryodhana went forward and held her hands that were covered in black scarf, "Please don't say no? I- I have the right . Please don't take that away from this student of yours. Please!"

Bhagi sighed and smiled. She kept her hand on his head, "Bless you, Anuj. You have been a dedicated student all through and as for Gurudakshina, don't forget that I have not taught you much, only chakravyuh, some advanced archery and how to fight maya. I aim to teach you many things, along with Karna if he wishes to. When the right time comes, I will ask for my Gurudakshina, Aunj Suyo."

Duryodhana smiled and touched her feet.

"Bless you Suyo, may the victory be in your hands and you become successful in giving your Gurudakshina to your guru Dronacharya.", said bhagi as she started prepare for the war.

Duryodhana smiled and went out of tent, "I know victory will be mine, Afterall I have my Jiji guiding me!"

Just as Duryodhana was leaving bhagi remembered something, "Suyo..." He turned and looked inside the tent... "Remember: Eyes reveal everything - be it Lie, truth or Maya!"

Duryodhana tho confused about the random wisdom still nodded, smiled and left outside.

Bhagi smiled and followed him outside just as Duryodhana was giving his speech to his brothers "Brothers!!," he looked around as he saw his brothers faces, some nervous, some excited,

"Today, we stand on the threshold of our first battle against Panchal Naresh. Remember, our strength lies not just in numbers but in our unity. We are a family, bound by blood and loyalty. As we face the challenges ahead, let our actions speak of courage and determination. This is not just about victory; it's about upholding our honor and legacy. We fight not just for ourselves but for the ideals we hold dear, so fight with honor my brothers!" he took a deep breath and looked to his right where his Jiji stood holding a proud face.

He nodded towards her and continued, "Look to your side – these faces are not just brothers; they are comrades. Shoulder to shoulder, we march into the storm, and together, we will emerge stronger. Let the world witness the might of the Kauravas. Today, we carve our path in history. Fight with all your heart, for Kauravas, for glory, for victory! Onward, my brothers, to the battlefield!"

All the Kauravas shouted in unison and went ahead to sit on their respective chariot. Duryodhana smiled and went atop his chariot where Bhagi was sitting on the chariot waiting for him. She took a deep breath and smiled 'Victory is ours'.


The battlefield was alive with the cacophony of war, the dust kicked up by the charging armies forming a thick haze that obscured the sun. Duryodhana, astride his majestic chariot, led the Kauravas against the formidable forces of Drupad-Panchal naresh. His charioteer, Bhagi, skillfully maneuvered the chariot through the chaos, the wheels cutting through the earth like a knife through butter.

Duryodhana, the valiant prince of the Kauravas, emerged as the beacon of hope, his eyes ablaze with determination. His mace, a symbol of his might, gleamed in the sunlight as he surveyed the daunting Chakravyuh formation that guarded the heart of the Panchal forces.

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