Chapter 12.: Final test

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   To say bhagi was sad was an understatement. Her education is finished. She should be happy but she will have to leave kailash . She will have to leave her home, her guru's who are her more like her mata pita. And it's time for her test. She knows she'll never best the people who she is fighting but she'll give her best.

"Are you ready putri?", asked Mata Parvati as she caressed bhagi's hair.

"For test?, Yes guruma; but for leaving you ? Never. I want to stay here. ", said bhagi as she shook her head.

"oh putri...", smiled Mata Parvati

"I want that too but every bird has to leave it's nest. It's the duty of parents and teachers to make their children saksham to move forward in life. And we have tried to put everything we know in you." said mata Parvati as she took bhagi's chin in her hands and made her look towards herself.

"You've successfully opened your chakras. Got rid of your ripus and learned and practiced every single day. But now it's time for using them. Use those talents not for recognition but for teaching human kind and Helping them putri" said mata Parvati as she smiled her devine smile.

"but I'll miss you guruma," said bhagi as she had tears in her eyes.

"bhagi, I know . We'll miss you too. But remember there are people down there waiting for you to return too. Your indrina ma, your gandhari ma ? And so many more", said Parvati as she kept her hand on bhagi's head.

"Yes guruma, " said bhagi as she got up to march towards her arena .

The arena was huge. It was an open space in kailash reserved for kids to play and practice . There were alot of people who came to watch bhagi. She was the first student of ardhnareshwar. Yes there was lord parshuram but he was Student of only Mahadev.

For her shastra exam there were guru brahaspati and vashistha guru and other renowned sages . Her sword skills were going to be tested by lord kartikeya, her gada examiner was unknown, same with her parshu examiner.

He was also the one who will test her for dhanurvidya. Mata Parvati was going to take her hand to hand combat. Mata Saraswati with mata lakshmi were going to take her kala examination. They were joined by apsaras to judge the talent of the girl.

Bhagi came at the centre and said pranam to all.
And the test began....

First exam was that of shastras ,

Brahaspati: what is adharma?

Bhagi :. Anything that is not dharma.

Vashistha: what is dharma then, putri?

Bhagi : Humanity , guruvar.

Vashishta: Isn't doing what is written in Vedas dharma ?

Bhagi : guruvar, ved themselves say that dharma is humanity.

Brahaspati: Tell me , why do lower cast people seek education when it is prohibited?

Bhagi : Rishi shresth, Vedas themselves proclaim that samartha should be based on talent not on birth . Lord parshuram was a Brahmin but he took the duty of kshatriya and become one to establish dharma in the world. Just like that a person can choose what occupation he wants to have .

Vashishta: tell me putri, between what is right and what is dharma what will you choose?

Bhagi thinking for a bit.: heart rishivar

Vasishtha (smiling): heart?

Bhagi : yes, our heart is connected to our soul. And soul to dharma. Dharma liberates us whereas adharma bounds us. So, I'll choose the choice that will liberate me .

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