Chapter 15: Time for Gurudakshina 🙏🏻

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Bhagi quickly stood up and bowed.
"pranam. I'm sorry to ask this, but why are you all here? "

Mahadeva came forward and smiled , "because you've finally completed you're education bhagirathi..."

Bhagi looked at him confused , " I don't understand, gurudev? , I thought i- I had failed? "

"No bhagi , that was a test . We've not just taught you how to use weapons, have we? We've taught you shashtra as well as how to control your ripus. Your other teachers have taught you other very valuable lessons as well," said Mata Shakti as she came forward and continued , "Then tell me how can you complete your education just by giving a test of your warfare? "

Bhagi looked down and thought about how her guruma was absolutely right . She had been taught by many guru's . Her teachings didn't just include warfare but many other things as well. She slowly nodded her head and looked up.

"So,what is my result guruma? ", said bhagi as she accepted the truth, her heart had swelled with joy and gratitude as she stood before her revered gurus waiting for the result.

Bhagirathi's heart was overflowing with love and devotion, for she knew that her journey as a disciple had reached its pinnacle and now she'll be starting a new journey in her life. Bhagi waited patiently for the result with her eyes closed , her hands joined and head bowed.

"Then let us tell you the result Bhagirathi. You've passed and completed you're education. Bless you !! " announced all the rishis present there.

As bhagi heard it, her tears couldn't stop. Finally she had completed her Tapasya. Finally she had passed her test. Finally ... "Gurudev, that means I can give you gurudakshina, right? "...

Shiva smiled as he said , " yes putri. All your teachers have the right to Gurudakshina."

Finally , I can give my gurudakshina finally. "Thank you , thank you !. " said bhagi as she weeped slowly.

Ma Shakti unable to bear the tears of her daughter, went towards bhagi and wiped her tears. "Don't cry putri, it's time to celebrate ".

Bhagi nodded and quickly wiped her tears and asked , "Please tell me your gurudakshina guruvar. "

"Very well bhagirathi, I'll be the one to start , " said Mahadeva.

"I want you to build a weapon that will only be yours . For that I want you to stay here in the alternate verse and do tapasya and make one that will only be yours. In your hand it should be one of the most disastrous weapon to be ever made. "

"as you wish guruvar. " Said bhagi as bowed

Mata Shakti came forward, "Bhagirathi , I want you to always be on path of dharma even if you've to stand against anyone,be it your family, your loved ones or your friends . I want you to stand by dharma throughout your life."

" I promise you guruma, I will walk on the path of True Dharma always, even if I've to stand against my friends and family", said bhagi as she bowed .

Lord Vishnu came forward and asked , "Bhagirathi, I want you to help my avtar Krishna in dharmastapna. "

"I promise you prabhu, I'll help your avtar wherever i can", said bhagi.

Asur guru shukracharaya went next , "bhagirathi, i want you to promise me you'll never attack an Asur first without reason. Defend yourself, fight them to protect others but also listen to the problems of troubled ones and try to help them"

"I promise guruvar, I'll never attack a asur unprovoked. I'll listen to the troubled ones and always try to help them" said bhagi as she bowed her head.

Next came Sage vashistha. He came forward and asked his gurudakshina, " Putri, I want you to spread your knowledge worldwide. I want people to become aware of true dharma. I want you to try and eradicate the caste system. ".

Sage vashistha continued , " and for this I want you to win a kingdom of your own. I want you to become the samragi of entire aryavarat and spread your knowledge to the whole aryavart. But during all this I want you to hide your identity, Never reveal the truth of your teachers to anyone. I want you to be known as Samrat Indrasen"

" as you wish, but which kingdom should I win? " asked bhagi.

"There's kingdom named Magadha. The kingdom is ruled by an Evil king, named Jarasandha. The kingdom near Magadh , Anga is being tormented by Evil Asur's and bandits. I want you to free the people there. " said vashistha.

"As you wish guruvar", said bhagi as smiled and bowed accepting the wish.

"Now putri , I want you to go to alternate verse for next 10 years. For you that will be ten years but here it will be just 10 minutes so you don't have to worry, it also won't affect your age" said mahadeva as he opened a portal to another universe.

Bhagi bowed and went in the portal which took her to an alternate universe. As soon as she reached there she sat down and started her tapasaya to make her own weapon.

As bhagi went to tapasya, a new discussion had broken out between the guru's .

"Is it really a good time to reveal the secret to her? "
"We can't hide it anymore. It's her secret she deserves to know "
"but will she be able to understand, to cope ? "
"She had to, she has to and she will, i trust my putri"
"This is the right time. Before staring her true journey we have to reveal it. "
"But Bhaiya, the secret is...
"I know behna , but it's her secret. She will have to bear it. "
"Yes, and we will all be there to help her. "

"I think she should be done by now. ", said mahadeva and opened the portal.

Out came bhagirathi who had just completed her 10 years of tapasaya and had made her very own weapon... And everyone could feel the power that is surrounding her. It's dangerous but only tridev and tridevis can sense the pure power radiating out of bhagi is nothing but her inner Shakti which is empowered by her own weapon. Seeing her they know time has come to reveal the secret and give back her memory...


Extremely sorry for updating so late. I've just joined a my first job and was trying to find a balance as well as some spare time. But now I'll try and post every Saturday or Sunday...

Thank you for reading and hope you like it ! 😊

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