Chapter 46: Duryodhan's Rage: Burn Everything🔥

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    Soon the family time was interrupted by a guard bringing In a message. As Gandhari before coming to chamber had instructed the guards to not let anyone come in the chamber, so the guard was standing outside waiting to deliver the message.

Suyodhana promptly got up and went outside. As he came inside his face was marred with frown which was noticed by bhagi.

"What happened, Suyo?", asked Bhagi as she stood up.

Duryodhana looked up and said, "nothing Jiji, it's just that we have been summoned by Pitamah in Sabha... the decision of Yuvraj is to be made."

Bhagi nodded, "Lets go then.." saying so she moved forward covering her face properly, but Suyodhana did not move an inch.

Turning back, she looked at Suyodhana and moved to stand in front of him, "What happened Suyo?"

He looked at her and asked in a timid voice, "Will they make me Yuvraj?"

Bhagi smiled, "Why not? You have defeated Panchal Raj. And according to the clause of War you are going to be declared Yuvraj, Suyo!"

Suyodhana smiled and nodded his head, happy at the assurance received and the duo left for Sabha taking Gandhari's Ashirwad.


The Kuru Sabha, adorned in regal tapestries and resonating with hushed whispers, bore witness to a pivotal moment in the annals of Hastinapura's history. Pitamah Bhisma, the venerable Pitamah, ascended the dias, casting a discerning gaze over the assembly. The air was charged with anticipation as the fate of the kingdom teetered on the brink of revelation.

Bhisma, a figure of stoic wisdom, commenced his address, his words weighed with gravitas that demanded the attention of all present.

Bhisma intoning with solemnity began, "Esteemed members of the Kuru Sabha, today we stand at the precipice of a momentous decision. The valor demonstrated on the battlefield by both the Kauravas and the Pandavas has been nothing short of exemplary. In this fierce contest, the Kauravas, led by the Prince Duryodhana, emerged triumphant."

Duryodhana, seated with an air of confidence, exchanged proud glances with his brothers, and his friend cum sister seated beside him, the impending moment of victory palpable in the air. Yet, a subtle undercurrent of uncertainty gripped the atmosphere.

Bhisma , pausing, his gaze sweeping across the assembly, continued, " However, my duty as the venerable patriarch of this noble lineage impels me to consider not merely the triumph on the battlefield but the qualities befitting a true Yuvraj – a future sovereign who will navigate our kingdom with sagacity and justice."

The murmurs in the Sabha intensified, all eyes fixed upon Mahamahim, awaiting the revelation that would shape the destiny of Hastinapura.

Bhisma with measured deliberation, "Having weighed every nuance, it becomes imperative for me to announce that the mantle of Yuvraj shall be placed upon the shoulders of Yudhisthir, the eldest scion of the Pandavas."

His proclamation hung in the air, rendering the hall momentarily silent. Duryodhana's eyes widened in incredulity, his brothers exchanging looks of bewildered consternation.

Duryodhana, rising with vehemence, expressed his discontent, "Pitamah, this decision flouts the very principles of justice! Our victory was secured on the battlefield, fair and square. Why would you deny me the rightful position of Yuvraj?"

Bhishma, maintaining composure, responded, "Duryodhana, the battlefield assesses valor, but the throne necessitates more than mere martial prowess. Yudhisthir has demonstrated qualities of leadership, righteousness, and an unwavering commitment to justice, qualities befitting a ruler. It is my solemn duty to contemplate the greater welfare of Hastinapura."

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