Chapter 19: Bhagi arrives in Ang.

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Soon with the help of bike Bhagi had reached Angdesh. She had stopped in a jungle and as kanha had informed her she converted her bike to a locket that she wore. It was a beautiful morepank.

As soon as she she entered Ang her eyes were filled with tears. The condition of Ang was deplorable. The people were starving. They were dying from thirst. There were children crying on the roads. No laughter could be heard for miles. As she walked inside the people were staring at her for obvious reasons. She was dressed in full black with only her eyes visible.

As she walked further she stumbled upon a old man who was crying bitterly holding a child. She quickly moved towards him and sat in front of him

"baba, what happened? ", said bhagi as she forwarded her hand towards the boy but the old man quickly pulled the boy away from her touch making her drop her arm.

"WHO ARE YOU!? Are YOU ALSO WITH THEM", the old man shouted .

"baba, I don't know who you are talking about but I want to help you , trust me. ", said bhagi as she kept her hand on her chest .

"NO!! LIES!. No one wants to help , no one, no one NO ONE!!. ", Said the old man as he cried bitterly

"please let me help. I promise I'll try ", pleaded bhagi.

The old man looked towards the person properly who was willing to help him. He looked on how the person was fully covered but the eyes. The eyes that held only honesty and compassion. So finally and maybe for the last time the old man decided to trust the person.

"W-Wate..." the old man cleared his throat , " I need Water. My boy he can't be saved. He's been.. He can't be saved. Please he's asking for water , last time he wants water , and I can't even give him that . This helpless dada couldn't save his mother and him but LOOK AT ME!!".... Shouted the old man and pointed towards himself ... "I can't even give him his last wish ".

Bhagi slowly shifted towards the boy , she pulled a cup out of the bag she carried. She took out her bow and arrow and pointed towards the ground, closed her eyes and shot the arrow. Soon a stream of water started from the point of contact and bhagi filled the cup and offered towards the old man who was looking towards the person with wide open eyes.

Bhagi looked towards him and smiled and forwarded the cup towards the old man who quickly held the cup and offered it to his grandson.

"th- thank you , thank you ... Thank you. Drink putra ,drink please. Look I've got water ,please drink.... "

As he was making the boy drink the water, sounds of many horses storming came . Bhagi looked towards the sound but what astonished her were the people. All the people were scrambling and were trying to hide. Bhagi was observing all this when the old man quickly held her hand. She turned to look towards him.

"chalo yaha se. Wo aa gaye hai. Chalo ! ", said the old man as he pulled bhagi towards his Hut. His grandchild was in his one hand. And other holding bhagi's hand.

"Who are they, baba? ", asked bhagi as she entered the old man's hut.

"They, " sighed the old man , "They are soliders of great Jarasandha, ruler of Magadh. They come everyday to torture us. They.. they were the ones who took my daughter too. They don't think of us as humans. They prey on us. Hah! ", said the old man as he smiled a bitter smile.

"But this is wrong baba, where is the government of Ang? Where is your army? I thought this land was under Hastinapur's rule?? Don't they help you all.?! Why dont you ask for help?!" asked bhagi as she looked towards the man.

"Hah! Help?! They.Don' We don't even EXIST for them. You think we hadn't asked for help?! We have. Numerous times. We have wrote official letters to them but all returned without any reply. We don't even have a king . I , myself had gone to ask for help when they had taken my daughter from me but they didn't come. They didn't even send anyone to stop these crimes. Said that they have more important matters to deal with. Hah! Important matters! Lies. Truth is...they are scared . Scared of The Immortal Jarasandha. Everybody is. Now we don't wait for help . We are waiting for our turn to die. That's it! ", said the old man as he cried silent tears looking towards his son.

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