Chapter 41: Pandava's Turn⚔️-War with Panchal

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   Soon, the prince of Hastinapur had reached near Panchal. They had set up their tent just outside of the Panchal borders. Next morning discussions were to be made. The camp had Kauravas at one side sharing the tents and Pandavas on other side sharing two tents. Most of the Rajkumar's were anxious and why not this was their first real war, first time they are going to get the real-world experience, without the guidance of any guru. Next morning, bhagi woke up Duryodhana and other Kauravas early to mediate which would surely help clear their mind and focus of the battle.

It was afternoon when a meeting was called between Pandavas and Kauravas's. Duryodhana stood as representative along with Bhagi who wore her usual black mask and Shakuni mama.

As they gathered around the table, Yudhisthir began, "As we know, Time for battle is near. However, seeing as this is a competition on the grounds... we would like to be clear on who is going to be first to fight Panchal?"

Duryodhana frowned hearing this and stepped a bit closer to the table, "I don't understand? First?? We had assumed we were going together?", he gestured towards pandava brothers and Kauravas, "We all are Guru Dron's students... We should fight together! Everyone here should get a chance to give Gurudakshina, everyone!"

Bheem frowned hearing his loud voice, "Shut up! I know you want to hide behind us... I know you'll let us do all the work and claim the win for yourself... don't think I don't know your play, Duryodhana!"

Duryodhana shook his head, "No-no, bheem... I just don't want any of his students to be deprived of the right to Gurudakshina."

Yudhisthir thought for a moment but a cunning voice immediately interrupted his thoughts.

"Hmm... if you don't have any problem then, let the Kauravas fight first. hmm?", said Shakuni as he came forward.

Bheem immediately intercepted, "No, absolutely not! We are Devputras, by this itself we should be the one to fight first!"

Shakuni smirked cunningly, "Ah... so you do believe that IF Kauravas do go first, they will win, right?"

"Absolutely not... I'm just not interested in the fact that I would have to waste my arrows on saving some adharmi's, Once Panchal Naresh has captured you..." said Arjuna in a proud voice as he smirked subtlety.

Bhagi hearing him came forward just as Duryodhana was going to launch in a debate, "Very well, then. I think Pandavas should get the chance to fight first... Afterall they are 'Devputra's', right...?"

Duryodhana looked at her with a frown but bhagi just nodded her head at him, indicating that she will tell him everything and to trust her on this.

Shakuni too frowned but just as he was going to protest, Duryodhana kept his hand on his shoulder.

Yudhisthir smiled, "okay. So, its decided that tomorrow, us pandava brothers will go and fight first..."

As he stopped bhagi smirked, "And When Pandava's fail, Kauravas will go and Finish the war."

Just as she finished Arjuna came forward with a frown, "I think you mean "If" and not "when", Magadhraj."

Bhagi still smirking, "of course... of course. "If" ... not "When" ... I'm sure the devputra's will be able to handle a kingdom like Panchal in a blink of eye... right?"

Bheema and Arjuna became happy, of course not understanding the sarcasm and nodded their head. Soon the meeting was dispersed and everyone went to their respective tents to plan.

As soon as Bhagi entered the tent with Duryodhana and Shakuni in tow, questions were fired at her rapidly.

"Why Mitra?" asked Duryodhana mindful of an extra presence in the room.

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