Chapter 17: The truth revealed?

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In kailash the trio walked towards Bhagi.

Mata shakti came forward and said , "Putri, it's time that you know a very important part of your life".

Bhagi looked up confused, " I - I don't understand guruma?. What truth?".

"Before revealing the truth we want you to know that this was necessary. You were not ready before to disclose the truth to you. But now with your mind as strong as a mountain, we think it's time we reveal the truth to you before you start your Journey ", said Lord Vishnu as he looked towards bhagi.

"I don't know which truth you're speaking of Prabhu. But if you've kept it hidden then there must surely be a good reason. Please tell me prabhu", said bhagi as she sat down in front of the three ready to receive what was hers all along.

The trio of Mahadeva, Narayan and Shakti looked towards each other and nodded. They forwarded their hands and soon a bright light started entering the mind of bhagi .

Bhagi on the other hand was experiencing immense pain. Suddenly she heard a voice , "Let it flow. Do not resist. This is yours bhagi " . Bhagi relaxed her mind and stopped resisting. Soon the memories of her past life in kaliyug began entering her mind. She began reliving her childhood.

Her parents had found her on the steps of a shiv temple. After searching for hours when they couldn't find anyone they had decided to take care of her. And soon had filled adoption papers too. They were great and took care of bhagi with all their love. Bhagi began smiling reliving the beautiful moments she spent with them.

Soon though her eyes began to become wet as she saw that specific memory. How could someone be so cruel ... So cruel to subject a child through such...
A tear escaped her eyes , seeing her beloved parents death and her condition. It seemed the two moments had broken her mentally. She had hit her rock bottom. She did not have any energy to even get up in the mornings. It seemed she had for once given up. So many scars on her wrists and on mind, so many insecurities, so many attempts ..

but she felt thankful as she saw her getting help from a counselor, her fizza ma'am. The guiding light in her darkness. She was the only one who saw through the pain and guided her towards healing. Fizza ma'am had been her anchor in storm , her rock , helping her reclaim her strength and find a renewed sense if purpose.

She remembered her journey from bottom to the top. She was a renowned clinical psychologist. She had started to view life in a new light. She remembered her Anuj, how she had accepted Mahadeva and Parvati as she parents.. she saw herself spending time with them. She remembered how she reached this yug and began sobbing as she saw her now parents pick her from a basket and accept her as their own. Bhagirathi' had finnally remembered her life.

The process was over but bhagi kept her eyes closed. Her tears were continuously flowing as she was remembering the immense pain she had to go through the hands of her own family. Soon a voice reached her ears...

Lord Vishnu and Mata Parvati looked towards Mahadeva and nodded , "Bhagi", called mahadeva , "Open your eyes ".

Bhagirathi slowly opened her eyes and as her blurry vision become clear she saw her family in front of her.

"Mata! ", said bhagi as looked towards Mata Shakti who smiled at her with tears in her eyes. Finally Mata Shakti felt at peace hearing her daughter call her Mata. She went forward and embraced her , not being able to control herself , "I've waited so long to hear that word from you putri.".

Bhagi looked up and saw Mahadev, " Pitashree ...".

Shiva smiled and came forward and kept her hand on her head blessing her.

Bhagirathi' closed her eyes feeling at peace. Finally she felt she was at home. She had her memories and she was ready to face any obstacle the life can throw at her.

With great compassion, Mahadeva addresses bhagirathi once more, " Your journey through time, your trials and your healing were all part of a great plan," he declared, his voice resounding with the weight of devine revelation "Though you were born in Kali yug , your purpose , your dharma , lies in dwapar".

Bhagirathi's heart skipped a beat. She was not meant to be in Kali yug , her soul was meant to make its mark in different age.

Lord Vishnu, his voice resonating with unwavering assurance , spoke once more.
"Bhagirathi, you have been shaped by your experience, your resilience, and your journey of healing. You have emerged as a beacon of strength and compassion. In dwapar, your knowledge, your new perspective are needed to guide and heal numerous souls "

With gratitude and renewed sense of mission, Bhagirathi rose to her feet, her eyes gleaming with determination. She accepted her role as a catalyst for change, a healer in dwapar. Her journey of healing in Kaliyug had prepared her for this moment, for her purpose transcended the confines of time.

And thus, armed with the blessings of Lord Mahadeva, Lord Vishnu and Mata Shakti, bhagirathi embarked on a new phase of her journey. She embraced her destiny, ready to fulfil her purpose in the dwapar, bringing light, healing and the restoration of dharma to a world that yearned for it.

The gods watched with pride as bhagirathi stepped forward, the embodiment of resilience, empathy and wisdom. Her path would be arduous, but she was ready , for her soul carried the purpose of ages. And so, Bhagirathi' , the time traveler , set forth, guided by the gods and her own indomitable spirit, to bring light and transformation to the dwapar, where her presence was destined to make an everlasting impact.


Good day! Hope you're all doing well!!

Hope you liked the story🤞🏻. A bit late update but better late then never you know? :^)

Btw the photo above of Mrinal from prithvi vallabh is our bhagirathi. I have always wanted her to be a central character and thus this. She is so beautiful and her eyes uff... They kill me . The emotions she's able to express just from her eyes. A perfect combination of fierce and beautiful-a perfect face claim for Bhagirathi'.

Kindly share your views as well. Thank you ❤️

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