Chapter 39: Arjuna's condition: Accepted or Rejected?!🤯

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     As Bhagi reached the outskirts of Hastinapur in search of Karna , she found him practicing archery on a tree. Seeing the force behind the arrows, bhagi understood that Karna was angry as she went towards him, she could see his eyes that were red. Soon bhagi sat down near a tree resting her back.

"Still the same anger, Karna?", Said Bhagi startling Karna who was not at all focused.

Karna frowned confused, "I don't understand? When have you seen my anger, Mitra?"

Bhagi closed her eyes at the fumble, "No, I meant Kalapradarshan Mitra. Your anger was very evident Mitra"

Karna nodded and looked in other direction stringing his arrow, "okay but now, Go away from here, Mitra. I don't want to talk right now!"

Bhagi smiled behind her mask and said, "Tell me Karna; Who is your Guru?"

Karna who was in middle of firing his arrow stopped at the strange question and looked towards his friend, "I d-don't...? You KNOW who is my Guru, Mitra. Why are you asking such strange question?"

"No it's just that, I'm trying to understand why you are angry, Karna..." said bhagi.

Karna kept his bow down and went near where bhagi was sitting, "Mitra, you know my guru is none other than Bhagwan Parshuram!!"

Bhagi tilted her head, "Then tell me why you are angry?"

Karna began pacing in anger, not knowing why his friend was not understanding, "Mitra! How can you not be angry? He is not letting us fight because of us being SUTS'. How can you not be angry?!"

Bhagi took a deep breath, " Karna , Did you wish to become Dronacharya Shishya instead of Bhagwan Parshuram's ?"

"WHAT!? NEVER...", he quickly came near bhagi and sat in front of her , "You know Mitra Indrasen, you know one of my identities I'm proud of is being known as PARSHURAM SHISHYA KARNA!!"

Bhagi looked at him questioningly, "then tell me what is your reason to fight in Panchal war? Why are you so desperate to fulfil Dronacharya Gurudakshina?"

Karna shook his head, "No-No. I", he tried defending his anger but just one wave of common sense he understood that he was wrong in trying to fight the battle.

Bhagi smiled, happy that Karna has understood, "Mitra, this is Guru Dron's Gurudakshina for his students. You unfortunately or very much fortunately are not his student. So why waste your anger, your energy?".

As Karna nodded, bhagi continued, "Good. Because right now we should be with our friend, who is going to fight his first war as a Warrior. We should support him. And you Karna have a very big battle in front of you. You have to win the hearts of people of Ang. I hope you are ready."

Karna nodded his head and stood up. Both began to walk towards the palace. While walking Bhagi smirked a bit and asked, "So, Karna... What do you think of Rajkumari Dushala?"

Karna smiled hearing her name but having understood the intent behind the teasing replied, "Mitra, Rajkumari Dushala is very nice, but I understand what you are trying to imply an-and I don't think this is the time. Maybe something can happen in future or maybe not..."

Bhagi smiled hearing his answer.

As both reached the palace, they saw that almost all the Rajkumar's were present in the strategy room. Bhagi looked around and saw that Duryodhana was crouched over what appeared to be a map of Panchal. Bhagi walked towards him; hearing footsteps come towards him , Duryodhana immediately looked up and smiled seeing his friends.

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