Chapter 34: Conflicted Arjuna

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   Subhadra nodded and opened her mouth to confirm, however just as she was going to say something she was interrupted by the presence of none other than our great Third Pandava, Arjuna. Who was tired of being sidelined and ignored by his interest and of course having heard only bout the lessons was furious... and couldn't control himself and added himself in the conversation...

"Rajkumari, you don't have to learn veena from these 'sut's'. I can teach you much better afterall who better than Rajkumar of Hastinapur?", said Arjuna as he sneered at the two warriors.

Karna who stood beside the masked Magadhraj couldn't control himself, " Yes, Rajkumari. These 'sut's'.." he said pointing towards himself and bhagi , "are the very ones who actually bested your Mahamahim Bhisma and the great Rajkumar Arjun of Hastinapur." Finished karna as he boasted about it.

Bhagi frowned hearing it but before she could react any further Arjuna already fuelled with the accumulated anger from the fight had already took out a knife and attacked karna, "How DARE YOU!!!"

However, Karna thankfully due to his instincts held the sharp part of the knife which caused blood to flow. As soon as Bhagi saw the blood her eyes turned red and she pushed Rajkumar Arjun away from Karna. At The same time All the royals came towards them and only saw Magadhraj pushing their Rajkumar. Bhisma quickly went and took the sword of the soldier standing and pointed it at the neck of the Indrasen who stood still understanding the gravity of the situation and not wanting to escalate things further.

"How dare you attack a prince !?" asked Kunti who was standing beside Arjun making sure he was alright.

Bhagi glared at her , " I would have not attacked your 'dear prince' had he not attacked my friend first!".

Dron also presents their shook his head and said, "No! Arjun won't do this ever! He's not like you lower castes!"

Duryodhana who was standing besides his two friends spoke up finally.

"Hmm, why don't we ask the great Dharmaraj here, then? Seeing you won't probably believe anyone else!", said Duryodhana after thinking for a bit.

Bhisma nodded and ordered Yudhisthir to narrate the entire event. Hearing the event Dron just shook his head. Meanwhile Kunti who stood silent glared at Arjuna, "It's okay. Mistakes happen. He's just kid."

Almost every royal present their shook their head in head in agreement. However, one present their chimed in with a cunning smile, "But Prince has violated a very important rule of Hastinapur. He had attacked a guest, isn't that a punishable offence?"

Dron gritted his teeth, "Yes, it is . But he is a Prince and moreover a DevPutra. And these people are just lower caste!"

Bhagi got angered by such and held the swords sharp edge with her hand and lowered it all the while glaring in the eyes of Bhisma who still had his sword around Bhagi's neck.

"DO NOT FORGET DRON!! This lower caste is the King of Ang! And your Arjun in nothing but a meek a prince. If a Punishment is not given, trust me, the Entire Army of Magadh will be at the gates of Hastinapur!!" Said Bhagi as she gritted her teeth trying to control her anger.

Bhisma who was standing looking at his sword, "You will start an war over this meek matter?"

"Please...I have seen life's taken for something even smaller," Bhagi roared loudly.

Bhagi went close to bhisma and whispered, "and you and I both know, Mahamahim... that I had not fought with my everything during our Battle. And weren't you the one who took his entire army to abduct three innocent women? Just because you weren't invited to a small swyamvar? Huh?!"

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