Chapter 48: Karna curse??

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       Soon, with an blink of an eye years had passed and it was nearing the end of Karn's education. One day as Parshuram was returning from his morning prayers, and was about to rest on a rock, Karna who was also walking behind him, immediately came forward and sat on the rock, "Gurudev, please." Said Karna with a smile as he offered his lap.

Parshuram smiled at his care which was not new to him. Karna in his teaching years had become dear to both Dharni and him almost like a son. His mischiefs , pranks but his relentless discipline and hard work and care were some of the simple reason the couple had started viewing him as his best student. Dronacharya and Bhisma are also his student but he never formed such bond with them, maybe because both of them were with him only for Shastr(weapons) knowledge but Karna no, Karna was the soil which he had carved out from his own hand s and molded it into one of the best warriors of Aryavart. He knew that when karna will leave it will cause a heartbreak to him and his wife.

"Gurudev?", asked Karna as he saw his guru sitting looking lost in his thoughts.

Hearing his voice, Bhagwan came out of his thoughts and smiled at Karna who was looking confused at him. Bhagwan shook his head and slept of the lap of his favorite student. And Karna began to fan him by his angavastaram(upper garment). Soon, time passed, Karna being lost in the seva of his guru failed to notice a small deadly insect crawling towards him.

The insect was a blood sucking worm. As karn's attention went towards the now the insect on his thigh, "Are... This ? I have to move... But I can't. Look how deep Guru is sleeping. No, no, I won't move."

And so, Karna kept sitting in the same position as the blood bore into his thigh and blood started flowing from his thigh. Soon the blood was so much that it touched Parshuram who instantly woke up seeing the blood. As he looked towards the source he saw karn who's thigh was bleeding heavily.

"KARN... Wait!", with swiftness lord took the worm out and applied some medicine on the wound an was now gazing angrily at Karna.

Karna expecting a scolding kept looking at the rock that was below him.

"Why did you not move?" asked Parshuram as he raised his brow

Karna quickly looked up, "How could i? you were sleeping so deeply... how could I break your sleep?"

Parshuram closed his eyes, "Is my sleep more important than your pain? The worm was boring into your thigh. You are not Immortal that you will not die!!" said Bhagwan with gritted teeth.

Karna looked at his Gurudeva and answered honestly, "Yes"

Parshuram shook his head and thought, 'Hopeless!'

But then his eyes focused on the blood on the rock and a question struck his mind. He quickly stood up... Gazed at his student who had also stood up with him.

"Who are you?" asked Parshuram his eyes fixed on the blood

Karna looked confused, 'I'm hurt and gurudev lost his memory? Ohh.. wait this is a test! Ha, im so smart, I will answer it so good!'

"Gurudev, I'm Karna. Shishya of the greatest guru: Bhagwan PARSHURAM, son of Radha and Adhirath. Also known by people lovingly as Radhey!", said Karna as he smiled proudly at his introduction.

But Parshuram finally looked up, "Karna," Lord Parshuram's voice was calm but firm, "I sense a discrepancy in your lineage. You claim to be a Suta, yet there is something in your demeanor that tells me otherwise. Tell me, are you truly of Suta by birth?"

He continued, "Have you lied to me? No one can bare so much pain and be alright other than a Kshatriya... Tell me your truth! Are you really who you claim to be?"

Karna hesitated, his mind racing. He had always been told that he was a Suta, but there had been whispers and doubts that had plagued him since childhood. Taking a deep breath, he decided to speak the truth as he knew it. "My lord, I was raised as a Suta, but I have always had doubts about my lineage. But regardless, I have decided even if I'm not born to my Mata Radha I will always be known as her son."

Lord Parshuram's brow furrowed as he listened to Karna's words. He could sense the confusion and uncertainty in the young man's voice, and a part of him softened. "Karna, you speak the truth as you know it, and for that, I commend you. However, there is a way to ascertain the truth of your birth. I shall use my divine sight to see into your past and uncover the mysteries that shroud your lineage."

And Then Lord Parshuram looked inwards and found out the truth about Karna's birth. He however did not reveal the truth as it was the duty of his birth mother to do so. So he nodded and left from there.. Karna on his tow.

As they reach the Parvat, Parshuram turned and looked at Karna, "Today, your education is completed! From today you will step out into the real world, and I want you to fight for what is right, Radhey. Never forget your roots. I bless you to be 'Vijayi' in all your future endeavors!"

As Karna left from the Parvat taking blessing of his Gurudev, Lord Parshuram looked up , 'i don't know how and what had happened that has changed the course of history... but I thank you prabhu, that I was spared from cursing his dear student.'

Flashback end!

"I still remember that day as clear as sky. Your intervention had changed everything. I not only saw Karn's past but also his alternate past... and I am glad that you had saved me from cursing my favorite student...", said Parashuraam as bhagi and he settled on a rock that could view entire Anga.

"No prabhu, I did nothing. It was karna who chose and you for showing patience to him. Honestly, I had not expected my advice to take fruition so well..." smiled bhagi.

Parashuraam smiled, "I'm happy, Karna is getting what was rightfully his. He deserves so much more. And I am grateful that now, I will give away my Vijaya to Karna willingly and not out of any guilt. I will also ask my Gurudakshina as I had."

Bhagi smiled and looked on to Anga where Karna was now entering onto the land of Ang ready to face probably the biggest challenge of his life. And she hoped with everything that he will succeed. 


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