Chapter 8.: Finding a guru - part 1

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As she went away from karna, bhagi began thinking about future. She didn't know where to search for a guru, she had gone to guru parshuram but he said that he is not meant to teach her , if not him than who else could be her teacher? As she was walking in the forest, she heard a scream. She looked around and ran towards where she thought the scream came from.

There was a woman who looked to be middle aged and charismatic , she was beautiful but she was sat on her knees and kept looking towards a bush. As gati reached there she kneeled beside her and asked 'whats wrong Devi? '

"Leave from here !!!! " Said the woman fearfully

"I will leave but will you tell me what is worrying you?", Asked bhagi in the softest tone she could muster.

" I - i , the asur , she took away my penance, she took it away! " Said the woman as she began to wail.

" How? How can someone steal someone's penance Devi? I don't understand??" , Bhagi asked confused

" I- i was doing a penance for a child and my guru told me to keep a p-pot of water in front of me and concentrate on it bu-but that asur s-stole it ," answered the woman still crying

Bhagi looked around and noticed some tracks on the grounds, she knew almost 1 and half year is over and she has to find a guru but she couldn't let this woman suffer , no one should steal someone's penance, no one.

" Please wait here, I'll bring it back , ok?!" Asked bhagi .

" No no, it's not safe, you can't! it's very dangerous ", said the woman and held bhagi's hand.

" It's okay, nothing will happen, mahadev is with me. I'll bring it to you, please wait here ok? ", Said bhagi and got up to leave.

" O-ok, please be safe please", said the woman .

Bhagirathi went where she saw the tracks and looked around for more. She saw more such tracks and went towards then and followed it. As she went around she noticed a figure sitting around a pot of water. The pot was glowing slightly, she knew this was the pot she was looking for. As she went around she noticed that the asur was a woman with bluish complexion .

She went towards her and called out
" Devi...?"

The said asur turned around and scooped the pot in her hands and hissed, "Who are you?!"

"I'm gati, the pot you're holding belongs to someone else Devi, please return it ", pleaded bhagi

"NO, NEVER, go away, go away!! ", said the asur.

"But Devi that is not your penance , the woman has worked extremely hard for this please give it to her, please, i do not wish to fight with you ", bhagi joined hands .

" So what? I also want a child . And YOU will fight ME? You ant , I'll crush you under my feet, go away !! , Laughed the asur .

Bhagi knew she could never win in a one on one fight with her. She looked around and came up with a trick and smirked.

"As you wish, I'll fight you. The one who is able to throw the person onto the ground wins and gets the pot, deal? " Asked bhagi

" Sure you ant. I'll crush you !! ", Laughed the asur .

And the fight began!!
Well not really, the asur kept the pot down and began to advance towards gati. Bhagi on the other hand removed the rope she had in her bag and tied it around herself and began to run round and round the trees and the asur.

" Stop you ant, it doesn't matter how much you RUN , ILL CATCH YOU!!"

Bhagi didn't stop, no, she ran and ran around trees , finally after a while she stopped and "ant , huh? Well ant can be quite troublesome to an elephant you know? " And pulled the rope.

"Wh-ahh", shouted the asur and fell down . She was stunned . "What?", Asur looked up to bhagi taking the pot.

"Hey wait, no tha-thats Cheating ?!!", Shouted asur as she stood up.

"No it wasn't Devi, the deal was anyone who fell to the ground will lose , i won ", said bhagi and smiled

"Very well, you win. But that penance is the only way I can have a child, " said asur and shed some tears.

"Oh. I can't give you this but you can do penance too , na?",asked gati.

"No putri, we are asurs , why would dev give answer to my penance ? That too of a child?? ", said asur as she looked down .

"No Devi, mahadev and Devi shakti don't discriminate, please do penance to them. I'm sure they'll fulfill your desire. By the way my name is bhagi", smiled bhagi and left.

" Hm, mahadev and Devi shakti huh? Ok, Ant , as you say. ", said the asur and sat down near the tree and began her penance .


Thank you for reading guys ☺️. I hope you liked the chapter. If in any place I've mentioned gati know that it is another name of bhagi  🙏🏻

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