Chapter 47: Karna's beginning💥

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    Soon, the atmosphere was calmed down. Gandhari had been devastated by such a drastic step from her son. She had never expected that her son, her strong son will ever take such a step, but she understood, oh did she understand...Her son was the most soft-hearted person, the one who wanted nothing more than love from his elders. He gave his best to raise his 100 brothers and sisters and was just expecting some appreciation that he too is a good big brother but no, the elders overlooked and praised Yudhisthir for bringing up his 4 brothers. All her son wanted was recognition and love.

After Duryodhana had fell unconscious in her lap, bhagi had shifted him to Dushasaan's room. All the brothers and his sister were crying bitterly seeing the condition of their elder brother who had raised them. Soon, Gandhari had also left at the urge of Bhagi who had herself taken her to her room, promising to be with Duryodhana.

Gandhari when returned to her room had cried bitterly in front of her shiva asking why all the pains are in her fate but Bhagi, her little bhagi was there and she had made her understand that all that happens for is good.

Bhagi tenderly cupping her cheeks, "Mata, Trust in Mahadeva. Trust in his plan. If he Is taking something from Anuj, then that was never meant for Anuj. I'm sure Bholenath has something much more and much bigger for Anuj. This, mate, this here is a lesson which is teaching us, making us capable so that we can carry, handle what Mahadeva will give us!"

Gandhari had just nodded and bhagi had tucked her in and went to Suyo's chamber. Here, Gandhari, had slept with a smile on her face after receiving assurance from her daughter. She thanked all the gods above to have blessed bhagi to her and slept.

Here Bhagi was standing in the balcony of Dushasan's chamber, thinking about how life had turned about. Her friend is now the king and her Anuj is about to set on the same path. Bhagi knew what she was going to do in tomorrow's Sabha , she had a masterplan, one that will not fail.

Bhagi looked at the sky and smiled remembering how Her friend Karna had become a king, she had fulfilled her promise to Ang. She had given them a worthy king.


   Bhagi held Karna's shoulders, "Mitra, you are beginning your new journey... I leave you here. On the outskirts of Ang , your Karma Bhoomi. Now you have to tread the path alone. Be honest in your intention, Mitra!"

Karna nodded and moved towards Ang leaving behind Bhagi who was soon joined by karn's guru, the great Parashurama.

"Putri, you had saved Karna from my curse, if you want him to become a king... why this Maya? Why not make him king. People of ang will not protest they will see him as their king if you shall deem it so.."

Bhagi smiled and looked up, "No, Bhagwan... I had only guided him... it was him who chose to act on it and did not get curse.", she looked straight ahead, "And I do want him to become king, it is his destiny, his Niyati but will he choose so? The People of Ang should know who their king is ... I promised them. If karna is not worthy than I myself will take Ang under me and merge it with Magadh... This Is karn's journey. He has a choice to make and I do hope he chooses well."

Hearing her, there was a silence between the too... which was broken by Bhagwan who turned around and started towards a mountain which had a good look of Ang. Bhagi was swift to follow him. As they reached up , both were silent.

Parshuram was busy in remembering the little boy who he was supposed to curse.

Karna was going to deceive the lord but with Bhagi's interruption and his promise to her he had promised to not acquire a guru by deceiving someone. Next day after his Surya puja he had went ahead and started his journey to Mahendra parvat, where Parshuram resided with his wife Dharni.

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