Chapter 36: Mata Gandhari meets bhagi❤️

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    Soon enough Gandhari had reached her chambers with Duryodhana following behind her...

"And you know Mata... Mitra also is teaching me veena Tod-" began Duryodhana but before he could continue which would eventually turn into a long rant, Gandhari spoke up, "Suyo? Don't you have somewhere to be? Are you going to make your friend wait?"

Duryodhana stood still for a moment after being interrupted so suddenly- processing the information, immediately shook his head and started leaving in hurry, "Bye Mata... I have to go now otherwise my friend will be angry!!"

Gandhari shouted behind him, "Don't forget to bring your friend here, Suyo!"

Duryodhana already out of the room smiled, "Of course ma!"

Gandhari heaved a sigh once Duryodhana had left the room. Despite being turned into a man, her son still behaved like a child sometimes... however she couldn't complain, she adored this side of her son who appeared stone faced or angry to most other people. She turned around, the two lotuses still in her hands. 

She went near her small Mahadeva temple in her room and kept one Lotus there and began caressing the other... 'Why do I have a feeling you ARE my daughter... the touch was so familiar... so known. But then, MagadhaRaj? What has caused you to hide yourself Putri?'

Gandhari looked down as her eyes welled up with tears, 'Have I done something? Or have you forgotten about me? Why even after so many Years when you finally came here

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Gandhari looked down as her eyes welled up with tears, 'Have I done something? Or have you forgotten about me? Why even after so many Years when you finally came here... you have not come to meet your Mata? You Suyo? Why Putri? Are you angry?'

Gandhari was just thinking about such that someone interrupted her thoughts, "Maharani... The Kheer you had requested."

Gandhari wiped her eyes and sat straight, her voice steady, "Yes, Come in! keep it here," said Gandhari pointing besides her.

The Dasi came and kept it beside Gandhari and left after greeting her. Gandhari picked up the kheer and smiled a bit... 'I hope my doubts are true, Putri. I hope it is you..' She tilted her head at the Shivling and placed the kheer Infront of it, 'hey Mahadev! Long before when I was on verge of breaking completely you had sent her in my life. I have been keeping this kheer in front of you with the hope that one day she will come and eat it... Let today be that day, Prabhu, please!'

      On the other side of the Palace, Duryodhana was running towards the courtyard. Everyone was in question as to where he is going at, that too in such hurry?!

Soon, He had reached in courtyard where a beautiful veena was placed and infront of it stood Magadhraj, hands folded with angry eyes. As soon as Duryodhana entered the courtyard, Magadhraj spoke up, " Is this the time to come Prince? Why did you come so early, you should have came after dinner only" said bhagi sarcastically.

Duryodhana looked down sheepishly and stood infront his friend, "Sorry, Mitra, I was caught up with talking to Mata and got a bit late," he looked up, " But I promise, it won't happen ever again, Promise!"

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