Chapter 44: Returning home and a shock.😱

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          The sun dipped low on the horizon as the chariots carrying the victorious Kauravas traversed the battlefield, leaving behind the echoes of a hard-fought victory against the Panchal forces. The air was thick with the scent of victory, and the Kauravas rode with pride in their hearts. Duryodhana, at the forefront, wore a triumphant smile, basking in the glory of the battlefield. Bhagi sat Infront riding the chariot could practically feel the happiness radiating from him.

However, the atmosphere within the other chariots wasn't as jubilant as one might expect. The Pandavas, defeated and captured during the battle. With heads held low, the five brothers endured the journey back to Hastinapur in a somber silence.

Arjuna, the mighty warrior, sat with a downcast gaze, his mind reeling from the unexpected turn of events. Yudhishthira, known for his wisdom, wore a pained expression, burdened by the responsibility he felt for the outcome. Bhima, the powerful, clenched his fists, his frustration palpable. Nakula and Sahadeva, the twins, exchanged glances that reflected a mix of disappointment and determination.

As the chariots rolled over the uneven terrain, the Kauravas reveled in their victory, unaware of the internal turmoil that gripped the Pandavas. The landscape, once marked by the chaos of battle, now seemed eerily quiet, mirroring the subdued spirits of the defeated princes.

As the princes chariots arrived the city, The air was charged with anticipation and excitement, and the city was adorned with colorful banners and flowers. The citizens of Hastinapur lined the streets, their faces beaming with joy, ready to welcome back the princes after their victorious battle against the Panchal forces.

Amidst the celebratory atmosphere, the Pandavas rode wearily on their chariots, their minds clouded with worry and uncertainty. The recent victory did little to lift the heavy burden of their captured moments, and a somber silence surrounded them. Arjuna, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Nakula, and Sahadeva exchanged glances, the weight of their predicament etched on their faces.

As the procession reached the grand gates of Hastinapur, the crowds erupted in cheers. King Dhritarashtra, accompanied by Queen Gandhari and their court, stood on the palace balcony, eagerly awaiting the return of their beloved sons.

In the palace, Bhisma, the wise patriarch of the Kuru dynasty, received news from the spies about the Pandavas' capture. A furrow formed on his forehead, his eyes narrowing in concern. Bhisma had always been the guardian and mentor of the princes, and the news struck a chord of worry in his heart.

"Mahamahim!" a messenger had hastily approached, "The Pandavas have been captured during their journey back."

Bhisma's eyes widened in disbelief, but a moment later, a twist of astonishment had contorted his features as he learned that it was the Kauravas who had come to the rescue. "The Kauravas?" he mumbled to himself, his mind processing the unexpected turn of events.

He , along with Vidura and Kripacharaya had prepared well for the coronation of pandava Yudhisthir but when he had received the news, it had felt like all his hard work was going to waste as Adharma was going to sit on the throne of Hastinapur. He was in grief when Vidura had come up with a solution. They had been receiving all the news of the war from their spies and knew that it was Pandavas who had proposed that they go first but fortunately the Praja nor the minister were aware, if only they could change the story and show that Yudhisthir sitting on throne is much more beneficial that would be very helpful. Especially them having the support of the Brahmins who were ready to oppose the Coronation of Duryodhana, of course on the demand of some fees and land which was not hard for Bhisma to give.

Back in the royal chariots, the Pandavas entered the city amidst the grand celebration, but their hearts remained heavy. But their hearts lighted up as the praja started shouting in their support. But all the ruckus couldn't deter the Kauravas as they were just happy to meet Gandhari and tell her all that had happened in the war.

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