Chapter 37: Reunion of Suyo and his Jiji🙌👏

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     "Mata?", Said a voice from the door startling the duo.

Bhagi quickly picked up her mask she had let down and looked in other direction. However, it was of no use, the intruder had seen enough. He came in slowly, tears glistening his eyes. He looked towards his Gandhari Mata and said, "I-I came to tell you that M-Mahamahim is calling you... mata..." his voice drifted of as he slowly went and stood Infront of Bhagi her face only covered till eyes, hairs open...

Duryodhana breathed a deep breath and asked without looking at Gandhari, "Matah... This. This Kheer you said – you said you will feed it to your daughter, my Jiji only... you didn't even give it to me when I asked.." He finally looked towards his mother and asked, his voice trembling, "Mata.. is this my Jiji , Mata? Please tell me? Please.. Please.."

Gandhari hearing the desperation in her son's voice looked towards the one is mask and pleaded with her eyes. Bhagi did not know what to do... she hesitated for a bit, and Gandhari took the hesitation as 'No'

"no, Suyo.. This is not..." just as Gandhari was going to continue, Duryodhana shouted interrupting her in middle. " NOO!! I SAW- I SAW WITH MY OWN TWO EYESS... DO NOT LIE TO ME MAHARANI GANDHARI you might have a blindfold BUT I DON'T !!"

The second, Duryodhana uttered those words, Bhagi got up, her mask long forgotten and slapped Duryodhana so hard his head turned in other direction, his eyes closed, "IS THIS HOW YOU TALK WITH YOUR MATA SUYODHANA?! HUH?! ANSWER ME!!"

Duryodhana didn't say anything for few seconds, his cheeks were wet with tears. He looked up at the person who slapped him, his eyes red, He took a step forward and bhagi narrowed her eyes, maybe preparing for an attack but Duryodhana shocked both the ladies as he kneeled down and kept his head on her feet, crying. Bhagi looked at Mata Gandhari who was sitting on her bed with smile on her lips, knowing the sobs were not of pain but of happiness.

Duryodhana's whole body was shaking as his sobs continued. Bhagi quickly came out of her shock and bent down sitting on her knees and started caressing Duryodhana's hair, "Suyo, calm down, calm down, its okay. You're okay. Get up , come on, Suyo, get up.."

Duryodhana shook his head and continued sobbing however, slowly but surely his sobs started waning... he took a deep breath and looked up, still on his knees... "Jiji?"

Bhagi just looked in other direction and stood up, "No, Duryodhana, I'- I'm not your Jiji?"

Duryodhana just shook his head and touched her feet, tears streaming down his cheeks were falling on her feet as if his entire being was welcoming her, "please... I-I have waited a lot. Please... Since I was a little kid , I had held on despite receiving nothing but hate and negligence from everyone other than my Mata, with th-this simple H-Hope that my Jiji will c-come and Love me... will give me all the love this world had snatched from me... please. Don't lie, please. I can't bear it, anymore. Please"

Bhagi was moved by his words, the only thing stopping was her promise to her Gurudev's but seeing his condition, she couldn't bare it and closed her eyes, 'hey prabhu, guide me. What should I do. What should I do.'

Just as she was contemplating, A voice resonated within her mind, 'Stay with Truth Putri.'

Bhagi smiled recognizing the voice, 'Thank you, Mata. I knew you will always guide me to the right Path.'

Bhagi opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Mata Gandhari, whose blindfold was stained with tears and then to Duryodhana who was still on his knees holding onto her feet with tears falling down... She quickly forwarded her hand and caressed Duryodhana's hair, "Suyo?", she called out lovingly.

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