Chapter 13: The final result

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"pranam", said bhagi as she bowed in front of her examiners.

All the present smiled and blessed her . " Are you ready putri? "

"Yes, please" bhagi said as she joined her hands and became ready to hear the results.

" Then let me tell you the result. Unfortunately, You have FAILED in your exam , bhagirathi "

"wh-", . Bhagi couldn't believe it. How could she? Twelve years of hardwork. Twelve years of practice . Twelve years of tears, blood and sweat and She had failed. How could she. How? All she could feel was heart aching agony. It felt like she was drowning into the deep waters of ganga only here it seemed there was no end. It felt like all her hardwork was gone to waste. All her hardwork of years was not enough.

She has disgraced her guruma who held such high hopes from her. Her guruma who was like her mother figure. Her guruma who held her when she cried, who fed her using her own hands, who taught her and who scolded her like a mother, and bhagi had disgraced her.

She had let down her gurudev . Who gave her the golden opportunity to learn from him. How many people get the opportunity huh? Till now only one. He cared for her , taught her , who was like her father figure, bhagi had let him down.

Her tears were unstoppable as she stood there still processing the results. Despite failing it was not the failure that had affected her no never, her guruma and gurdev had taught her better, after all failure was part of life. But she was affected by the simple fact that she had let down her guru ma and guru pita.

She quickly went towards shiv-parvati and kneeled "Im sorry , gurudev and guruma , I couldn't pass the exam. I'm really really sorry. I should've tried my best. I should have practiced more. I s-should have ...d-done more. " . Hiccuped bhagi as Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"please accept me as your shishya again gurudev", said bhagi as she joined her hands and bowed her head .

"Im sorry putri, but I've taught you all I can. I can't accept you as my shishya again ", said mahadeva as he looked down at her.

Bhagi was stunned. But she understood what he meant. He had already taught her everything, it was her who had failed to implement it . So she nodded and wiped her tears, steeled her heart and stood up. "ok , ok gurudev, then at least please tell me your gurudakshina?".

" As you said , you failed which means you have not learned what we have taught. So there won't be any gurudakshina putri" said Mata Parvati as she looked towards bhagi with what could be described only as utter sadness. Mata Parvati knew this was going to eat at her daughter for a long time.

"B-but, mata don't take away my right to give you gurudakshina. you've taught Me. I'm your shishya, I am your student. Please ask your gurudakshina please. I know i failed this test but I promise I'll learn and improve and be better . One day I'll complete the task . Please don't deprive your shishya of her right to give you gurudakshina. Please .. pleasee ", as bhagi said she again broke down crying.

This was the worst moment of her life. She couldn't give her guru's their right, their gurudakshina ' why was world being so cruel , WHY!? ' .

" I'm sorry putri , but this is the truth . There can't be a gurudakshina. I have failed as a teacher on not being able to teach you ", said Mata Parvati as looked towards bhagi with sympathy.

"NO! no ... P-Please don't say it. You've not failed guruma, it is me who has failed to be a good shishya. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I let you down. I'm sorry ", said bhagi as she got up to leave kailash. She was heartbroken but she controlled her tears and went forward.

" Why don't you challenge the decision? Are you not angry ? ", asked a Rishi present there .

"No rishivar, you've made your decision. You all are much more knowledgeable than I am. I'm sure if you've failed me it's because of a reason " bhagi said as she smiled sadly.

"I'll take my l-leave. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to learn, to be part of your family. Thank you so much. " said bhagi as smiled at last and left.


What do you think? Has our bhagi failed?
Thank you for reading . Hope you liked it. Until next time 😉😊

Italics = thoughts 💭

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