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Chaos had erupted. Your world was in complete shambles. Your parents were no more, the very idea of a "hero" had ceased from the minds of society. You were trapped in this corrupted hell hole with no escape, no haven. You tried to breathe, but with with every breath your lungs would burn. The nightmare seemed to end, and you were soon engulfed in a void of nothingness. You lost your balance, and began to fall. There was no stopping point, you were just... falling. You couldn't speak, you couldn't breath. 

A black liquid started to rapidly pour out of your eyes and mouth. You started to choke, and wanted no more then to be released from this misery. Your throat began to burn, and the liquid started to poor to other parts of your face.

The substance dripped down into your nose, and you gasped, which only made your situation worse. 

Your eyes were blinded by the substance, and a pair of hands grabbed a hold of you.

You then woke up in terror. You grasped at your throat, and opened your eyes. You were panting, and tears began to stream down your cheeks. You couldn't see properly, afraid to open your mouth. Your vision cleared, and you realized it was just a silly nightmare. 

Looking to your nightstand, you grabbed your phone.

You checked for any notifications, and looked at the time. it was five, and you still had a couple hours until you had to get ready for school. You put your phone down, and just stared at your ceiling until time passed by.
You began to get bored, and decided to get out of bed. Slowly, you removed the covers that laid atop you, and sat upright on the edge of your bed.

You stepped out your room, and into the rather dark hallway.


You parents weren't home yet, so you were all alone for now.

You stepped back into your room, and gathered your uniform. Along with a nice pair of shoes to go with it.

Placing the outfit on your bed, you then walked to the bathroom.

Showers were one of your favorite things to do, so this one, like the rest of them, was going to be quite long.

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