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"Kill him." They said to you.

"Show him true weakness."

You spaced out, trying to breathe. You couldn't tell if you were going insane or not... but, the voices, they each had their own unique sound to them. They were different from each other, there was a wide variety of tones.

You closed your eyes tightly, as your breathing quickened, swiftly.

"He thinks you're weak. Prove him wrong."

With that, you let go. It felt as if something or someone had taking over you. It didn't matter, you were free. Though, this thing.. was still.. you? Whatever, you let it take the reigns.

You opened your eyes. They were glowing, a pure snow white. Your pupils and irises were gone. The glow on your eyes created a white hue near the upper half of your face. (AVATAR AANG?? THAT YOU??)

"Finally getting serious?" He asked, "Took you long enough."

Todoroki sent another ice blast your way, it moved swiftly towards you. You held your hand out, and it stopped, the pause was so sudden, it even confused Todoroki. He shook it off, and sent another blast your way. It then exploded once it got close to you, sending pieces of ice flying in each direction of the field.

He was clearly puzzled, "What was that?" His tone was filled with pure awe, and admiration for you. He wanted to see more of your abilities, so he provoked you once more.

"You're using cheap tactics now?" This time, his tone was a bit more venomous.

In response, you charged up a bit of energy, and held both your hands out, releasing it. To counter, he sent another ice blast, but the energy blast you sent broke through, and hit him, knocking him back.

"I'll defeat you without that useless fire quirk of his." He spoke, referring to his father.

He regained his composure, and you began to slowly walk towards him. This slow, steady pace soon turned into a speed at which was too fast to comprehend. You slid past him, and spun around, kicking the air, which created a large mass of light. It hit him in his back, knocking him forward.

You then paused, and charged up an energy attack. He sent a blast your way, but you smashed through it, still heading his way at a rapid speed. You punched his stomach, dead center. Then, you released the energy blast, which soon turned into light, which then turned into fire.

You watched as the flames danced around his ice, and around him. They died down, and he was still standing, but barely. He was trembling, his body shook with each movement you made.

His breathing was shallow, and heavy. "Is that all you've got?"

You swiped your hand in oblique motions, all in different directions. They scent powerful waves of light, energy, and fire his way. He tried to counter with ice, but yet again, they broke through it, making severe contact with him.

You then plunged at him, and grabbed his collar. He wrapped his hand around your wrist, and froze it. This didn't seem to affect you, as you then spun him around, and threw him.

Everyone watched the fight in complete shock.

Shouto sent another ice blast towards you, which you dodged. You ran towards him, and his eyes widened. You jumped up, and grabbed his shoulders, flipping through the air. As your feet came in contact with the ground, he was lifted up, and slammed back down onto his back. He gasped as his body dropped to the ground.

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