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Everyone began to push and shove, angry shouts could also be heard amongst the shoving and pushing. Then the tunnel was covered in ice.

'Shoto!'  You thought to yourself.

You melted the ice from under you, helping you glide through the tunnel, you grabbed a few people on the way. You noticed the purple haired boy again, "Want a lift?" You asked, truly trying to help. He looked at you suspiciously, "Sure." You grabbed him by the waist, making him squeak a bit, very flustered. "I'm gonna throw you, okay?" he nodded, "I'm (F/N) (L/N), feel free to call me what ever you want!" Before he could tell you his name, you threw him as hard as you could, still making sure he was going to land safely. 

You also grabbed more people on your way out. Once they were good, you used a wave of water to catch up to Shoto.

"SURFS UPP!!!" You laughed, water surrounding you as you jumped, catching up to the boy.

"Nice trick, Todoroki." Momo said, she was now in the air, along with a few others.

"I won't let you get away so easily!! YOU ICYHOT BASTARD!!!!!" Katsuki screamed, launching himself towards Shoto as well. 

You then stopped in your tracks.

'The zero pointers from the entrance exam?'


"AWWWWW YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" You screamed, only for the robots to be incased in ice.

"GODDAMIT!!!" You yelled in frustration, you noticed the ice beginning to break.

'OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHITTTT!' You ran in a desperate attempt to save yourself, but the robot fell on top of you.

"I'M ALIVE!!!!!" Kirishima arose from inside the same machine, seems like you weren't alone.


Banging could be heard from inside the robot once again. There was a sudden beam of light that emerged from inside, and you jumped out with your hands up. "I AM NOT DEAD!!!" You screamed

      "SHOTO YOU BASTARD!!" Kirishima laughed at you, you were sounding a lot like Bakugou at the moment.

You mumbled curse words under your breath, then the guy from earlier arose as well, his name was Tetsutetsu. You laughed at his and Kirishima's similarities. 

Bakugou then projected himself into the air, "Welp, guess this is my cue." You said, shooting up into the air along with him.  One of the robots stretched it's arm out towards you. 

  "HELL NAWL!" You shouted, not trying to die from one of these things. You did an aerial through the air, landing on the robots arm while sliding. It tried to crush you with it's other hand, but you jumped before it could. You created a portal to get at least a little close to Shoto and Katsuki.

You were now beside the hothead, "Hi Katsuki!~" You cooed, he stared at you and smirked, "Hey, shug.~" (say sugar without the 'ar' sound, that's how it's said.)  You then used a bit of energy to make your pace faster, which worked, a lot. "Bye katsuki!~" You exclaimed, earning a low grumble from him.

You stopped using your quirk for a bit, and came to a stop. 

      "If you peeps thought the first obstacle was easy, check this one out! We like to call it: The fall!!" 

You looked around and just went for it. You wanted to at least preserve you quirk a little bit, but that wasn't happening anytime soon. You noticed Todoroki gliding across the tightrope like thing. 

You hopped from the pillars of earth using your energy, getting you there in about 2 seconds tops. Todoroki stared at you, "Sup." You saluted, He then looked behind him. Katsuki was still in the air, "YALL SUCK!!" He yelled at the both of you, "YOU SWALLOW!!" You yelled back.

[DISCONTINUED] ʀᴇʙɪʀᴛʜ. | BNHA/MHAWhere stories live. Discover now