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Izuku struggled to pull the fridge, it didn't even budge. 

     "Hey, hey, hey! It's pretty comfy upon this fridge, how are you doing down there?" Allmight asked. You and him were sitting atop the fridge that Izuku was trying to pull. After struggling for a while, it seemed Izuku's body gave up, and in response to All Might's question, he fell face fist into the sand.

"People move these everyday, y'know, and most of them don't even have any super strength." Allmight replied to himself, you playfully hit his arm and laughed.

"Well, yea, but there's an extra 600 pounds with you on top of it, along with (F/N's) weight." Izuku said, looking at the both of you.

"Nah, I've lost weight, so I'm down to 560 these days... In this form at least." All might says.

You got off the fridge, "Bae, you tryna call me big?" You asked jokingly. Izuku scrambled to speak.

  "WHAT?!? NO OF COURSE NOT!!!! I- YOU.. I-I WASN'T C-CALLING YOU BIG!!" He stuttered.

"I was joking!" You tried to assure him that you knew that's not what he meant, but he seemed to be on the verge of tears. He calmed down soon enough, though.

 Izuku asked why Allmight had him dragging trash across the beach anyways, and allmight explained to him that he also needed to be equipped physically if he wanted his power, and he just wanted to get the beach clean.

"Hey, I gotta go, see ya'll around." You said, waving goodbye.

"WHA- I- Young (L/N), wouldn't you like to help with the beach?" Allmight asked, trying to get you to stay, he enjoyed your company, and hoped you being there would drive the young boy a bit more.

"Sure, but I've only a few minutes, then I really have to go." You ran back to them.




 All might and Izuku were still having a conversation, and you weren't that interested. Then All might handed Izuku a couple papers, "In all honesty, this'll be super hard. Think you're up to it?" Allmight asked.

"I have to work way harder than anyone trying to get in, so what choice do I have, right?" Izuku said, and Allmight nodded.




You arrived home and began telling your parents about your plans on getting into U.A

"You sure you don't want to get in through recommendations? It'll be easier that way." Your mother said, you shook your head in response. 

"Nope, I'm good."

Your mother shrugged, and your father simply nodded.



So, for the next ten months, you and Izuku would be training non-stop for this exam, stopping at nothing.











Ten months had passed. It was now the morning of the Exam. 





You were walking with Allmight, when the two of you saw Izuku standing on top of a pile of trash, screaming his heart out. 

   "Hey, hey, holy crap, kid. You even cleaned up outside the area I told you to. Seriously.. there's not one speck of trash left on this beach. Only a few minutes to spare, but you exceeded my expectations!" Allmight exclaimed, putting his hands in the air.

Izuku was exhausted, and was about to fall, but Allmight caught him in time.

He put him down, and you ran up to him, beaming with excitement.

   "You did it! You truly are amazing, Izuku!" You couldn't stop smiling. Izuku smiled back at you, and his cheeks turned a bit red. You showed him the pictures you took when his training first started. 

"This was you ten months ago, now look how far you've come!" You were so proud of that boy.

"What a remarkable transformation! You have truly outdone yourself." All might smiled. 

"Allmight.. Do I really deserve this? Are you sure? You put so much time and energy into helping me... how did I end up so lucky?" Izuku asked.

Allmight laughed, "It was your hard work that did this Midoriya. Now.. for your reward." He then pulled a strand of his hair out.

"Someone told me this one, 'There's a difference between being deserving and being lucky, one's and accident, the other, a reward. Never get the two confused.' Take that to heart young man. This gift, you earned it. With your own Valiant efforts." He handed his hair to Izuku.

    "Eat this." Allmight said.....

"That's crazy." You say, trying to hold back your laughter.

Izuku looked at you very unamused.

"To inherit my power, you've gotta swallow some of my DNA, that's how it works." Allmight states, rubbing the back of his neck.

"This isn't exactly how I imagined it." Izuku said, looking at the hair.

"C'mon! there's no time, the two of you will be late for the exam!" The large man said.

"EAT, EAT, EATTT!!!!!" Allmight shouted, shoving the hair in his face.











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