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You ran towards the scene. You remembered that the sludge villain's body was a liquid substance, therefore, you tried manipulating it so Katsuki could breath, but to no avail, as you were still very exhausted. Despite this, you panicked upon seeing Katsuki's struggle, and moved without thinking. 

Stepping further up into the crowd, you tried to manipulate it's slime based body to the best you could, anything to keep Katsuki alive, anything. You created a small bubble of air around his head, trying to make sure he could still breath.

   "What are you doing?!? Get out of here, he'll kill you!" Katsuki said, but you tuned him out. You continued to do everything in your power to keep Katsuki breathing. You kept your distance so nobody saw you.

Katsuki continued to struggle, and looked towards the hero's.

You've had it, you didn't care anymore, the hero's were doing nothing, and nobody was coming, enough was enough.

Running towards the villain, you blew fire towards it's eyes, which it screamed in pain to.

To make matters worse, Izuku threw his backpack at the villain, hitting him in the eye.

As soon as the villain was knocked off it's tracks, Izuku started clawing at it, trying to get Katsuki out.

"What are you two doing here?!" Katsuki screamed, "I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"  You and Izuku said in unison.

The villain was about deliver a blow, you prepared for impact, expecting the worst. Though, the worst never came.

  "I really am pathetic.. I told you the traits to make a great champion, but I see now, I wasn't living up to my own ideal!" Allmight said, breaking free of the sludges grasp. Allmight grabbed Katsuki, and moved you all out the way. 

He began to charge an attack.


"SMAAAAAAASSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Allmight said, punching the villain.

Izuku and Katsuki were lying on the ground, along with you. Conscious, just tired. The sky above you turned gray, and it started to rain.

"Ha, he made it rain." You said smiling to yourself.

After receiving praise from the crowd, they started to cheer. Allmight looked at Izuku over his shoulder.

You and Izuku were now being scolded for your, 'stupidity' while Katsuki was praised.

Later that day.

You were 'walking' with Allmight, due to your parents not being home. And you were tired. His place was closer.

"(F/N)." Allmight said.

"Hm?" You replied.

"You were very brave today. Braver than me. Before you two came, I was a bystander, watching from the crowd. I felt pathetic, my heart sank as I watched the scene carry on. Then, you sprung into action. You did everything you could to try and save that boy, even if you saw it wasn't helping, you refused to give up on him. While the actual heroes stood by and just watched. You along with Midoriya were the true heroes today. Thank you. " You smiled. 

"Thank you, Toshi. You know, I've always admired your ability to stay strong, even when things seemed helpless." you said, lifting your head.

"Now, about young Midoriya, I need to talk to him about something, could you take me to him?" He asked, smiling.

"..Wanna race?" you asked a  grin struck your face. Getting off his back, "You're on!" He said, getting ready.

"Keep up." You then dashed off.

"I am here!!!!!" You and allmight exclaimed simultaneously. This took Izuku by surprise, "WHA- Allmight! What are you doing here?" Izuku asked, then he looked at you.

"(F/N) what are YOU doing with ALLMIGHT?!?!???" Izuku asked, you only smiled as brightly as Allmight did. Allmight was about to give an inspirational speech, but was interrupted by his changing form. You tried not laugh, in hopes Allmight didn't notice you.

"Young man, I came here to thank you. Also, I wanted to discuss your question from earlier." Allmight said. They then continued on with the conversation. Izuku began to cry, "I deem you worthy of my power, my quirk is yours to inherit." Allmight said. They then went on to talk about one for all.

Izuku began to mutter, you saw that it was creeping Toshi out, so you walked towards Izuku, and kneeled down to his level. You placed your hand on his back, and he snapped out of it, looking at you. He blushed as you smiled, "Don't stress it, you got this." You said, getting up. Allmight continued to explain why he wanted to give his quirk to Izuku, and how he's been searching for a successor. 

Poor thing was about to cry, but this was normal to you.

All Might asked Izuku to pull it together, so the boy did exactly that.

"You've got this, I promise. I'll be here with you every step of the way! We'll be great together!" You said, Izuku smiled and hugged you, "Thank you." You returned it, and with that, the day had ended.

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