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You all were now getting ready to attack, but All might stopped you before you could do anything.

"Don't attack. Get out of here." He said, blocking you all off.

First person POV.

All might instructed us not to attack, so I stood down.

    "You would've been in trouble earlier if it weren't for me, remember? You need our help.' Todoroki said, getting ready to fight.

"I thank you all for your assistance earlier, but this is different! It'll be alright, just sit back and watch a pro at work!" All might responded.

      "But, you're hurt, and bleeding! You're almost out of ti-" Izuku stopped, as he wasn't trying to reveal anything that wasn't supposed to be. All might only gave a thumbs up in response. 

I heard Shigaraki say something, but it wasn't all that clear.

He launched at us all, "Looks like we're fightin after all." Kiri said, getting ready.

Then, All might punched the nomu, which created a strong gust of wind, blowing us all back a bit. He kept throwing them, and at first I was very confused as to what he was doing, I soon began to realize... The punches weren't just something All might did for the sake of doing, they were targeted and used more than just 100 percent of his power. If he hits the right spots, the nomu will be out for sure.

All might continued to throw punches, and they were beginning to tear the USJ apart from the inside.

"A real hero.." All might and the nomu continued to go back and forth, attacking each other, All might gaining the upper hand.

      "Will always find a way for justice to be served!!!" All might grabbed the nomu mid air, and flipped him, throwing him on the ground. The impact creating various different sizes of debris.

"Now for a lesson." All might spoke.

"You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean." He put his fist up.

"Go beyond..."

   "PLUS ULTRA!!!!!" He yelled, delivering a blow to the nomu, knocking it off it's very feet, and sending it flying.

I stifled a laugh. 




Everyone began to cheer.

     "That was like a finishing move in a video game, he beat the shock absorption right out of him. I've never seen that kind of brute strength!" Kirishima said, staring at the hole the nomu had created when it was launched outside of the building.

  "Imagine having that kind of power. He must've been punching that nomu so fast it couldn't regenerate." Katsuki said, staring in awe.

My laughter began to creep up on me, and I was still trying to hold it back. I covered my mouth. Everyone who was around me heard it, and suddenly I felt all eyes on me. "Nah... That's crazy." I thought,  but I had said it out loud by accident. I only laughed more though, and earned a few giggles from Kirishima and Izuku. Katsuki only chuckled.

  "I really have gotten weaker. Back in my heyday, five hits would've been enough to knock that guy out. But today, it took more than 300 mighty blows." All might spoke, putting his fist to his chest.

   'How amazing are you, All might?'

Shigaraki looked furious, All might then turned to him. "You've been bested, villains. Surrender, we'd all like to get this over with quickly."  He said, shigaraki began to rapidly scratch his neck. 

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