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Your mother carried you to Recovery girl's office, and stopped at her door. She knocked gently. The door opened, to reveal a smiling Recovery girl.

"Hello, dear. What is it that you need?" She then looked at you, as you lay unconscious in your mothers arms. She let out a sigh. Recover girl then gestured for your mother to lay you down on the bed. Seeing your unconscious body made the two women wallow in sadness.

Recovery girl healed any injuries, and restored your energy with a soft and gentle kiss. "That should do it. She does need a fair amount of rest, at the moment. She's able to heal by herself, my quirk is just helping guide her through this process."

Your mother nodded, already aware of this factor. She placed a hand on yours, the warmth of her finger tips blending in with the heat from yours.

The door abruptly bursts open, revealing a weary All Might.


Not only were you unconscious and drained of energy, but you looked as if you were in pain. Whatever happened, it took a toll on your body.

Your eyes then fluttered open, much to their surprise. You looked around with your eyes, as your gaze met your mothers. Immediately, you looked away, which shocked her. "Love?" She reached for your cheek, but you sat up before she could touch you. You looked at her from the corner of your eye, and sighed, as you closed your eyes.

    "How long until my match with Katsuki?"

Silence filled the room, as everyone began to think. A low gasp escaped from All Might's lips. "It's.. right after his and Tokoyami's match. You don't have much time." He explained, which made you feel even worse. You were feeling unbelievably weak at the moment, but you couldn't give up. So, you got out of the bed, and stood up. You staggered a bit, but none the less gained your balance. Your mother held her hands around you, in case she needed to catch you if you fell. You gave a reassuring nod to her, as you exited the room. "I love you, ma.."

She held her hands close to her chest, as she felt her tears fill her eyes. She watched as your figure slowly disappeared.

You walked into your respective room, and sat down in a chair. You then propped your legs up on the table, as you leaned back in your seat. You threw your head back, taking a deep breath.

You noticed the frost that had accumulated atop your skin, causing you to roll your eyes closed. It melted as you heated up your skin, and the water dripped down your body. The sound echoed through the room. The door was then kicked open, very aggressively. You knew who it was, but didn't bother to speak.

"What the hell.." Katsuki muttered, "Hey, what are you.." He then looked at the sign near the door, he was very much so in the wrong waiting room. He looked at you once more, and noticed you ignoring his presence. Though, he didn't know if you were truly ignoring him, or if you didn't hear him. He came to the conclusion of you ignoring him, since he made a very obnoxious entrance.

   "You better give it all your against me, you hear!? I want you to come at me ten times worse then you did that icyhot bitch!" He snarled, and you ignored him once again.

"Wha- I know you hear me!"

Your silence was beginning to annoy him, so he stormed towards you. "Answer me, damnit!"

Out of spite, you refused to answer him. Your energy did not need to be wasted on bickering with Katsuki. You licked your teeth, and this only angered him more.

   "Answer me." He demanded. He must have been crazy, talking to you like that. Just for that, you kept ignoring him, and he was getting blocked when you got home.

"Fine." He sat on the table, and grabbed your ankle. "Last fucking chance. Answer me." He said, which didn't change anything. He brought your ankle up to his mouth, and bit it, hard. You yelped in pain, as you kicked his face. He grunted, and you fell out of your chair, holding your ankle. His bite mark was engraved into it. He rubbed his cheek, and looked at you in annoyance.

   "You dirty ass hooligan. Nasty ass. Bite ya daddy next time, the fuck." You rubbed your ankle once more, and rolled your eyes.

"Let's go." You said in annoyance, as Katsuki exited the room, following behind you.

"I told you to answer me." Katsuki said in a 'I told you so' tone.

"Shut up, that's why yo momma kept yo ass on a leash."

A/N: I whole heartedly believe he bites peoples ankles. That hoe is devious as fuck.

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