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U.A also has classes outside of hero work. The school is split into groups. General studies, support course, business, and hero course.

While being in the hero course, you also take regular classes like math, science, ect.

Lunch is pretty cheap there, too. But it's made by The cook hero: Lunch rush, so it tastes absolutely amazing. You do prefer to bring your own lunch though. 



Already, the afternoon had came around.

Hero basic training.

      "I am here!!!!! coming through the door like a hero!!!!!" Allmight said. Everyone gasped at the sight. "I can't believe it's really allmight!!" Kaminari muttered, his face full of awe.

   "Welcome to the most important class of U.A high. Think of it as 'Heroing 101' Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good. Let's get into it!! Today's lesson... WILL PULL NO PUNCHES!!!!!" Allmight finished, "But one of the keys of being a hero is... looking good! These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request's you sent in before school started." Everyone cheered.

"Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" He said, smiling. "Yes sir!" Responded the class.

Training Ground Beta.

You all came walking out of the tunnel, Allmight in front of you. 

    "They say that 'Clothes make the pros' young ladies and gentlemen. Behold, you are the proof!"

"Take this to heart. From now on, you are all.... Hero's in training! Allmight said, "You look so cool! Now, shall we get started, you buncha newbies?" He finished.

Izuku came out, and you froze. You were holding back laughter, along with tears. You remembered he told you his mom made it, so you pulled it together. Now that you thought about it, the costume heavily resembled Allmight. Izuku looked at you with the happiest smile on his face, "You look amazing!" He said to you, waving. You smiled and winked.

Many others caught themselves staring at your costume. It was creative, and not to flashy /very flashy! It looked really good on you, as does everything. "This is gonna be great." Said drooled, staring at your hero costume. 

You all transitioned elsewhere. "Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training." Allmight smiled. "Sir!" Iida raised his hand.

    "This is the fake city from our entrance exams. Does that mean we'll be be conducting urban battles again?" 

      "Not quite. I'm going to move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evil doers take place indoors. Think about it! Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows." Allmight answered his question.

"For this training exercise you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys, and fight two-on-two indoor battles." Allmight said, you nodded.

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsuyu asked, putting her finger on her chin.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time, You're dealing with actual people now." He explained once more.

"Sir, will you be deciding who wins?" Yaomomo asked.

"How much can we hurt the other team?" Katsuki added.

Many of your classmates bombarded Allmight with questions. You could see he was beginning to get overwhelmed, then, he pulled out a script.

      "The situations is this: The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes was plan to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either to cath the evil does, or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload, or capture the heroes." Allmight eread.

    "Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!" Allmight exclaimed, showing you all a yellow box.

"Isn't there a better way?" Tenya asked.

"Think about it, pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here." Izuku explained to Tenya. 

"Hero's don't exactly get to choose who they work with either. Whether you they like them or not." You added. Tenya nodded, "Thank you both."

"Let's draw!" Allmight said, with his fist in the air.

You were on team B, with Todoroki. "Oh, cool." You said, looking at him. He was already staring at you.

      "I declare that the first teams to fight will be... These guys!!!! Team A will be the hero's, team D will be the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch." You all did just that.

Let the training commence!

You noticed that you couldn't hear anything through the monitor, so you just had to watch.

Izuku and Ura had been walking around. Making sure to watch their corners. As they were walking, Katsuki plunged out behind a wall. He went for Izuku as soon as he saw him, attacking with an explosion. Katsuki cleared the smoke, and it looked like they were talking.

       "He almost got the jump on him!" 

  "Sneak attack, Bakugou? What kind of man pulls cheap crap like that?" Kirishima asked, furiously.

"You gotta hand it to him, Kiri, he's playing his part well. Unfortunately, villains don't play fair." You remarked. Kiri nodded. "Right."

  "I won't hurt you so bad they'll have to stop the fight, but close enough!" Katsuki said, running towards Izuku. Izuku grabbed Katsuki and turned around, flipping him over his back, and onto the ground. Katsuki gasped as he was violently thrown onto the floor.

You couldn't hear much, but you knew Izuku was standing up for himself. Through Allmight's ear piece you heard Izuku say something. "From now on, Deku is the name of a hero!!" You smiled, cheering for him in your head.


Your POV.

I helped the poor boy up, a worried look plastered across my face. "You okay?" I asked him. He nodded. He had freckles that were spread all across his face, and messy green hair. Not unkept, just messy. 

"I'm (F/N) by the way, and you?" I asked, tilting my head a bit.

"Izuku. Nice to m-meet you." He said, he was still a bit shaken up, and I felt bad.

"How come that Kacchan kid called you Deku?" I was very curious to what it meant.

"He uses that name to pick at me, and fun of me." He said, looking down. 

"Deku, huh? It has a nice ring to it. And honestly, sounds a lot like 'dekiru', which means 'You can do it.' Or something like that, at least." I said.

He started to stare at me, like there were practically stars in his eyes at that point.

From that point on, we developed a tight bond with each other, Katsuki wasn't to bad himself.


You looked at the screen, Katsuki and Izuku seemed to be once again having a conversation. Uraraka had left at this point.

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