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(Skipping the awards, sorryyy.)

ɴᴇᴡ ᴏᴜᴛʟᴇᴛ? ꜱᴀᴍᴇ ᴀᴍʙɪᴛɪᴏɴ.

You all went home shortly after the festival, or you did at least. 

It was a bit late, and you were awfully tired. Your legs ached, and your eyes stung from the torture of keeping them open all day. Your body we exhausted from being so alert. But even then, you couldn't help it. You dragged your feet across the sidewalk, ready to fallout at any given moment. You were hot from your jacket, but didn't feel like taking it off, so you just suffered even further instead. The bright streetlights dimmed the dark streets, as multiple cars passed by. Leaving a terrible ringing to your ears. You stopped by a crossing light and placed your hand on it's cold metal, and sighed, looking ahead of the street.

Then, a large crash could be heard. Smoke erupted from where the noise came from, and panic emitted. Curious, you walked towards the scene. But soon stopped, remembering it was honestly none of your business. 

You walked across the streets, until you heard the chilling scream of a woman. "Help!! Someone please help!!" You paused at her cry, and listened further as you continued to walk. "Please, somebody! A-anybody!! My baby!!"

'Her.. baby?'

The noises and crashes continued, as she began to cry out even louder. "Please, help us!" You then heard the cry of a child, and paused. The heroes weren't coming anytime soon, in fact there wasn't even a hero in sight at the moment.

You stopped in the middle of the road, causing a jam. Cars hunked and beeped at you, as the angry shouts of people were coming your way. Then, you heard a second scream, now from more people. Along with the lady and her child. Slowly, you turned towards the cars. A chilling expression painted your face. Causing them to stop. Your eyes blood shot from the sheer exhaustion you were experiencing. A wave of anger washed over you, and your face did so much more then just show it. Then, you turned around, and walked towards the problem. Whatever it may be. As the noises got louder, you got faster. A steadied walk soon turned into an overwhelming sprint.

As you arrived, you got a good look at the cause. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat. As the smoke around you coated the air, making it thick and warm.

A.. monster? A black mass of nothingness, causing so much destruction? It had something similar to limbs, that extended out, destroying anything in it's path. Though, there had to be a root. It was a quirk. So there was someone or something behind it.

You then heard the violent cries of the lady again, and turned to her. Her cheeks were tear stained as the warm liquid poured from her eyes, her breathing was rapid and frantic. Her eyes were similar, as they darted around, looking for anyone willing to help. You looked down, to see her child, who was being crushed under a heavy debris, well, a pole more like. And she tried her best to get it up. Luckily, it was just the child's legs. You ran towards her quickly, without a second thought as she cried and tried to get the heavy wooden pole off her frightened child's legs. Gently but firmly, you slid your hands under the cold wood, feelings it's surprisingly smooth texture. With occasional ridges and bumps from it's impurities. From there, you lifted the pole, holding it with both arms. She looked at you in awe, and cried as she took hold of her child. Your breathing was heavy as you lifted such a heavy weight, but all was well to some degree.

She then tried to get a good look at your face, but couldn't. Seeing as to how your hair was covering it. Your eyes widened, realizing she was trying to identify you. You gasped, realizing that it wasn't safe to be doing all this without coverage, some way to hide who you were. So you dropped the pole, well first moved it, and put on the hood of your jacket.

[DISCONTINUED] ʀᴇʙɪʀᴛʜ. | BNHA/MHAWhere stories live. Discover now