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Katsuki departed from you, since you couldn't come out of the same tunnel as him. You sucked your teeth in aggravation, Katsuki did not have to bite your ankle. As you continued walking, you recalled two things. Endeavor's last words to you before you passed out, and Katsuki's words to you earlier. He wanted you to do him worse then Shouto, and you knew that was a horrible idea. You had no clue what happened with you, or who it was that was speaking to you. How you reacted was uncalled for, but you honestly couldn't control it.

     Then, you thought about Endeavor. He was surely going to bring up arranging a marriage between you and Shouto, and you refused to think about it. So, you put your head back in the game, and tried to forget about it. For now, you were going to forget about Shouto as well.. For now.

You took a deep breath, this was it. The last match of the sports festival.

"Hey, hey, hey, folks! I promise, y'all ain't seen nothing yet! Everybody, buckle your seat belts, as we prepare for our final showdown! Both from the same class, and in U.A's hero course, we have Katsuki Bakugo!" Mic announced.

"And... (F/N) (L/NNN)!!!" He added, almost squealing as your name was announced.

   The world seemed to slow down around you. You felt the suns rays hugging your skin, as the sound of the crowds cheers and chants rang through your ears. You walked onto the arena, as did Katsuki. His eye brows furrowed, as he face contorted into a look of determination.

You remembered him biting your ankles, which stripped the moment from any and all seriousness. You rolled your eyes, as your lips created a fine line. Your face then went back to normal.

       "Give it your all. Don't hold shit back on me." Katsuki demanded, his eyes fixed on yours.

   You scoffed, and pointed to him, a teasing smile on your face. "Bitch, I'll walk you like a dog!"

"Ready?" Mic said.

    "BEGIN!!!" Katsuki held his wrist, and created a bone chilling explosion. You countered with an air strike, literally. You harnessed the energy created by the explosion, and sent it towards him in the form of a powerful air blast. This cancelled out his previous attack, but didn't do much to him. He scoffed, and got ready to attack once more.

Without warning, you extended your hand, and created a tiny explosion, that hadn't went of yet. It was seemingly.. charging? Not wanting to waste anytime, Katsuki plunged towards you with the aid of his quirk.

      "Dumbass." You said, as the tiny ball went from a beam, to a large, almost nuclear, but not quite, explosion. His eyes widened, as he was knocked back. This wasn't all.. That one explosion multiplied, leaving no room for Katsuki to do anything. The smoke cleared, and Katsuki was gone. You were a bit confused at first, but then you realized he was behind you. Quickly, you moved out the way. His arm was outstretched, so you embraced the chance, and grabbed it. As you took ahold of his arm, you thought about what to do next. Still having a firm grasp on the limb, you jumped up, he threw another explosion at you, which hit you in your chin. You yelled in pain, and he smirked. "Gotcha, bitch!"

     You gritted your teeth at him, and created a steel gauntlet, as you spun him around with you. You let go of him, and raised your hand, punching down on his stomach. This sent him down quickly, but he caught himself with his quirk. Annoyed, you landed, and the steel seemingly infused into your skin, disappearing.

"Let's get messy!" You said, as you jumped up, punching through the air. The shockwave lifted the ground below you both, creating debris. The attack knocked him back, as he put and arm behind him, using his quirk so he wouldn't be knocked out of bounds.

"Fine by me." He shrugged, as he launched towards you. The blonde then through a series of explosions at you, to which some you dodged, and some you didn't.

"Come on, shug! Use that fancy ass quirk of yours!" Katsuki spat, as he continued to attack you.

    He whipped around you swiftly, and threw an explosion to your face. This caught you off guard, and hurt like hell. You staggered back a bit, as you held back from crying. The attack was pointed directly at your face, how else were you supposed to react? This seemed to anger him. Why weren't you fighting back? Why hadn't you used your quirks full extent? What even is the full extent of your quirk? Did it have one? Oh well.

He knew you weren't weak, and he refused to let you act like you were. Not against him, especially. So, he pointed his hand at you, getting ready to fire another explosion.

    Already pissed off, you huffed. You began to run towards him, faster than you did in any of your past matches with people. With each step you took, a blast of energy was released. This knocked Katsuki back, but you weren't finished, and neither was he. As you got close, you disappeared shortly, and reappeared behind him, striking him with dark magic. This cursed him temporarily. Anything he tried to do to you would backfire almost instantaneously.

This effect would only last for about 60 seconds as of now. You chose your next moves wisely, as the timer had already started. "Damnit! What the hell is this?! Some cheap trick to spare your time? Something to create an easy win?! Ha! You're a joke, shug."

You stopped dead in your tracks, a joke? His gaze hardened. "You're a wimp. Maybe that half cold half hot bastard was right." His words struck you like lightning. Why was he acting like this?

   You tried your absolute best to shake it off, but his words stuck to you like glue. See, he wanted you to go ape shit. Why? No fucking idea. Well, you are pretty strong. It fascinated him. Your 'quirk' and you. Losing to you was like a reward. He knew how strong you were, and he wanted to experience more of that strength.

     "How pathetic are you?!? Resorting to such a tactic. You're nothing."


You know what?

Alright. If that's what he wants, then that's what he'll get!

(A/N: I literally love leaving y'all on cliff hangers. Suspense is everything. Anywayssss..

MY HULU ISN'T HULUING, SO Y'ALL ARE GONA HAVE TO WAIT A LONGGGG TIME FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS!!! 🤪🤞🏽... after this match of course. I don't need hulu for this. Also, I am so, so sorry for the poorly written fight scene so far, along with all my other ones. I am terrible at writing combat/battle scenes. I'm actually dookie at writing in general, but it's fineeeee)

(Yall, should I start adding titles? If so, should it be in the actual given chapter title, or within the chapter itself?)

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