episode 2: eunji

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The day went on, and I finally escaped my pit of wallowing and went out to buy some groceries. It felt wrong and self-pitying for me to still rely on my parents' money, even at the age of 21, but I barely had a source of income. I had dropped out of college to provide my full focus to the career I wanted to pursue -- being a music producer. And it was proving to be harder than what I thought. 

I now see how my father once rightfully said that only the luckiest, most hardworking, gifted people have the courage to make their passion, their career. When I was younger, I thought he was just bluffing to make me change my route from music to something academic. Now, I believe him. And it's a shame. 

I carried my phone, some cash, and the apartment's keys with me in a bag, and ventured out into the streets. I had counted the money I had saved up for eatables at home, and it wasn't much. I was supposed to be receiving some more money from my father two days later, so buying cheaper items to suffice for the day would probably be a better option -- I decided, and entered the grocery store. 

I felt inferior and ashamed to see the prices of the things I had to buy. With the amount of cash in my bag, I could barely buy tomorrow's dinner. 

"It's okay, I can eat a little less tonight," I murmured to myself, an unforeseen wave of optimism hitting my mind. I bought three apples with me, billed them, and walked out of the store with no more money left. As I turned around the corner to walk into my apartment complex, someone tugged at the hem of my shirt from behind. 

Startled, I turned around in a jiffy, and saw a young girl, looking famished and on the verge of crying. Her shirt was tattered and her hair seemed like it hadn't been washed in a while. Seeing her, my heart melted. instantly feeling sorry for her. 

"D-Do you have something to eat, miss? I haven't had food in two days," her small voice reached my ears, and I froze. 

How cruel could fate be to leave a child hungry for days? 

"Yes, sweetie," I smiled at her, fishing out an apple for her and handing it to her, "If you ever need something, then I live on the second floor of that building," I pointed at my building, "So come to me if you need anything, alright?" 

"Miss... my younger brother is also hungry..." she looked rather ashamed to say that, her eyes not even meeting mine anymore. Something about her being an older sister, looking out for her brother even in such a state -- it paralyzed me. I could only remember my older sister, Eunji, who had always been a protective wall for me, even now, when she is gone. 

Without another thought, I gave her another piece of the fruit from my bag, peeking into it to see only one apple left. 

Maybe I won't have dinner tonight. Or tomorrow. 

But it was all worth it when she gave me a bright, puerile smile, her eyes gleaming -- a juxtaposition, rather, considering her shabby appearance. Her eyes shone out louder than her dull appearance; like the shiniest stars twinkling bright on a page of blackness, that was the sky. 

"Thank you, miss!" she chirped. 

I grinned, crouching at her level, "Call me Kaira! What's your name, child?" 


With that, she waved a zealous goodbye at me, skipping out of the street with two apples in her small hands, leaving me speechless. For a moment, I thought I had seen my older sister. 


My stomach growled, and it was 2 AM. I had spent the evening working on my track, unsuccessful and having gotten nowhere with my career. I only had coffee powder with me in abundance, and I was already on my fifth cup. I drank away the last sip, and by now, the caffeine had stopped working its magic on me to not make me feel drowsy. 

I yawned, and shut my laptop, unwiring all the devices I needed to create EDM. I crawled into my cold bed, wrapping myself up in two blankets and stared at the ceiling, hoping slumber would come easy to me. And it did. 


Tbh, that pursuing passion as a career thingy is what my dad had told me when I was 14. I can see what he was going on about now :") 

HOW WAS THIS? I hope it wasn't cringe- 

thanks for reading! i love you!) 

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