episode 31: stupid in love

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(a/n: leave some comments and get big hugs!!)

Sitting in his car, I cheerily admired the ring on my third finger; it glistened under the passing city lights, and as the two of us sat in the backseat, with me cuddled up to his side, he took my hand in his, caressing the ring. 

"You know, this isn't just a regular ring," Chan spoke, "Look at the underside of the ring." 

Perplexed, I turned my hand around, looking at the silver band. And embossed into it was my name: Stara

I gasped, almost about to squeal, and leaped forward to hug him, "Channie! Did I ever tell you that you are the best?" 

"Yeah?" he giggled, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me back, "You tell me that all the time, baby." 

"Because it's true," I spoke, hugging him tighter, "And I love you endlessly." 

"I love you more," he cooed, and as we parted, he pressed a kiss to my forehead, "Can't believe that you're actually going to be Bang Kaira...!" 

I chuckled; I could not remember if I had ever been this happy before, "All yours, Channie." 

The manager, who had been driving the car and had perhaps been third-wheeling all this while, looked at us through the rearview mirror and announced, "We're at the dorm." 

"The dorm?" I repeated, "Shouldn't I go home now?" 

"Well, the issue is..." Chan sheepishly admitted, rubbing the nape of his neck, "The boys know about the proposal, and they are impatient to see us now." 

I laughed, "That's not an issue, baby." 


Someone knocked on the window next to Chan, and all three of us shrieked in terror, not having expected a surprise like that -- because latching onto the window was Felix with the biggest smile on his face. Chan recovered from the shock first, and then rolled down the window, gasping, "Felix! You scared us!" 

"Oh? I did? Sorry about that..." he nervously laughed. 

"Hello, Lix!" I waved at him, almost hidden behind Chan. In the course of these two years, all the boys had warmed up to me, and we often joked around whenever any of us visited each others' studios. It was heartwarming to have such kind souls accept me as if I were one of their own. 

Felix poked his head in through the window, and he squealed, "Kaira! Everyone's excited to see you! Come on, let's go in!" 

Chan and I looked at each other and chuckled at his exuberance. Chan nodded, smiling ear-to-ear, and then got off his side of the car. Before I could get off mine, he jogged over to my side and opened the door for me, "Here for you, m'lady." 

"Why, thank you, kind sir!" I played along, and while the two of us exchanged comical dialogues, Felix smiled like a fool behind us. 

"Let's go in before everyone comes out to celebrate in the parking area," Chan murmured to me, and I was overwhelmed by the idea of being welcomed so grandly, but in the best fashion possible. Chan grasped my hand and led the way, and Felix trotted after us like an anime character. 

The moment we stepped foot in the dorm -- the dormitory that was occupied by 3RACHA-plus-Hyunjin -- the scene was almost comical; all the boys were lounging in the living room, and upon our entrance, Felix vocalized a drumroll in his baritone voice, catching everyone's attention. Gasps arose in the room, and so did squeals and yells: 'YAH, BANG CHAAAAAN! YOU FINALLY DID IT!' 

The once-tranquil atmosphere was now clouded with joy; Hyunjin hopped over to me and bounced on his heels, "Show us your hand! Show us your hand!" 

I dumbly agreed, the smile never wearing off my face, and extended the hand on which I wore the ring. As soon as I did, everyone gathered around us and admired it, and Jeongin looked shaken to the core, god knows why, "Wow! This is actually serious!" 

"What did you expect? Chan has always been stupid in love," Minho sassed, but he could not hide his fond smile either. 

Seungmin was gaping at my hand, and he looked up at me with big eyes, asking, "Did you see the band on the underside?" 

"Yes, yes, I did!" I giggled, and Changbin proudly proclaimed, "That was my idea." 

"Hey! Don't plagiarize! It was my idea!" Jisung argued, almost about to throw hands. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Excused," Jisung flicked his nonexistent lock of long hair. 

"Shut up, guys! It's their moment!" Seungmin berated them, even though he was one of the youngest ones. 

"Yes, guys, let's welcome Kaira into the family," Felix clapped his hands, his freckles stretching on his skin. 

"She has been a member of our family for years, but yeah, let's do it officially," Minho remarked. 

Chan turned to me, and kissed my knuckles, making me blush profusely. He then had the most charming smile on his face as he spoke, 

"Welcome to the family, Stara." 

(a/n: dreams come true damn bro me when (probably never but oh well)

half the readers of this story are gone, and im literally flipping past the chapters to see what i did wrong. is this story boring? i want this to be a fluffy dream of yours, paired with some hints of angst, so im adhering to the original idea i had in mind. 

so where do you want the story to go? be honest. like what do you wanna see happening? i might not incorporate everything in, but only if it goes with the plotline i have in mind :))

how was thisssss? 

thanks for reading! i love you!)

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