episode 24: consequences

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With a month left for my debut, I was working hard, spending days and nights in the studio at the headquarters. Hyeon-ju and Hee-yeol were quite supportive, often coming to my aid whenever I needed some advice. The solo artist I was supposed to produce for was quite amicable -- her name was Yamaguchi Miko, and she was from Japan, and had landed here in JYPE two years ago to train. She was getting to debut, and so was I, and we got along with our excitement for our debuts as our ice-breaker. 

She was two years younger than me, and treated me like an older sister. She would join me in the studio while she wrote the lyrics, and we would discuss the composition together, creating tracks together. As young as she was, she was undeniably talented and eager to learn more. 

Miko had made friends with Hyeon-ju and Hee-yeol, and we all spoiled her like our younger sister -- even though she was Hee-yeol's age. 

Sometimes, I would look at the three of them committing their usual banter, and remember Eunji. The two of us shared a similar equation -- she was the responsible one, while I was the quiet kid who would land up in trouble without intending to. I could not possibly count on my fingers the number of times she had ended up saving me and getting me out of the issues I created for myself because of my awkward temperament. 

And all the while I stared at Miko and Hee-yeol and Hyeon-ju and reminisced about Eunji, I would stifle a growing fear in me: Eunji's words from that dream. If it was true at all, then all of these people are most probably a creation of my insanity, my loneliness, my desperation for a happier life. Hyeon-ju, Hee-yeol, Miko. My relationship with Bang Chan. All of them. 

They were all a part of my daily life; my routine, in the most beautiful way possible. Losing them was a petrifying thought. 

"Oh, she's spacing out again," Miko waved a hand in front of my face, and I snapped out of my trance, "Hi, welcome back, sis." 

"I'm sorry," I blinked, "Where were we?" 

"We were nowhere," Miko chuckled, and her blonde hair twirled as she turned to face the door for a second and then looked at me again, "It's 1:49 AM. We were heading home."

She stood up, yet I didn't. Staring at me, she made a knowing face, "Ahh, I forgot. Brother-in-law must be on his way."

Hyeon-ju and Hee-yeol chuckled in the background. 


"Bang Chan." 

I rolled my eyes, making the three of them laugh. 

Every night, Chan would take me out for a little walk before dropping me home. It had become a tradition -- had been continuing for a month now -- and she was well aware of it, since she was present with me half the time I stayed overtime. 

"I don't stay this late every day, and I can now see why," Hee-yeol yawned, "I'm heading home. You want a ride back, Miko?" 

"Yes, please," Miko grabbed her bag, and Hyeon-ju picked up hers as well. 

"Bye, sis!" Miko chirped, and I beamed at her, watching her wave at me boisterously; her energy was contagious. 

They all left, and I yawned, tapping on my keyboard again and aligning the demo with the acoustic guitar strums that had been very loosely added to the mix. Miko had suggested adding those, but I could not seem to fit them into the demo. 

Someone knocked on the door, and I knew who it was instantaneously, "Hey, Chan! Come in!" 

He walked in, fixing his beanie, and drew a chair beside me, "Whatcha workin' on?" 

"Ah, just Miko's title track," I spoke, taking off my headphones and keeping them aside, "What about you?" 

"Me?" Chan spoke, "Making the title track for the upcoming comeback. We're kinda going all electric guitar mode this time, so that's that." 

"That sounds insanely cool!" I lifted my eyebrows in amusement, "Can't wait to hear it!" 

"Well, you'll have to wait a bit, because it's still not ready," he chuckled. 

I nodded, "That's okay; I have some bit of patience somewhere in me." 

"Oh, you do?" he raised a brow, amused. 

I folded my arms against my chest, "Well, yes, Mr Bang." 

"Okay, Miss Lee, I believe you," he controlled his laughter and so did I. 

"You better do, Mr Bang. It's the best for you," I faked sass. 

"Uh-huh?" Chan wondered in amusement, dragging his chair closer to mine, "And what if I don't, Miss Lee?" 

"Ah," I rolled my eyes playfully, "It might have consequences."

"Like what?" 

I leaned forward, eyes locking with his, but somehow gaining the courage to maintain the banter, "You might have to prepare yourself for a storm that I am, Mr Bang." 

"Well, then," he spoke, and by now, our faces were inches apart, "I am ready to get ruined, Miss Lee." 

The banter was long forgotten within seconds, with the eyes gazing into each other's souls and lips suddenly feeling dry, awaiting the other's kiss. And now, only the sound of our breaths was evident in the closed room, and a certain anxiety arising up the guts -- yet, not enough for either of us to back away. 

The eyes were fluttering close, the distance was getting reduced, and the hearts were leaping up with joy when his phone rang. 

It felt as if that sound woke us up from some sort of a trance; as if it was a wake-up call from this moment of utter bliss. We immediately parted, and he answered his call, clearly out of breath, "Hello? Jisung, go to sleep already..." Chan sounded frustrated, and at that moment, I knew that he wanted to kiss me as much as I did. 

He hung up, and then looked at me, his tone gentler, "Let's... go home?" 


(a/n: yes, i totally did that hehehehehe~~~ 

dw, the actual kiss would be better, so remember that! :D 

How was thisssssss? did anyone notice the John Keats reference i put- *nervous smiling*

also, guys, CHAN IS 'HOME HOME'!!! My heart literally felt so content when his mum posted the 25 years later pic like djnsjbwjdsoknosjdnjwojw wow omg *cries* 

thanks for reading! i love you!)

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