episode 40: paris

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"We're going to Paris?!" 


I had only gotten to know about our honeymoon destination when I had accidentally gotten my hands on the boarding ticket -- Chan was hellbent on keeping it a surprise until the very end. However, now that I knew about our mystery destination, I was even more hyped than I had been earlier. 

The airplane seat could barely contain me; it had taken Chan about twenty minutes to lure me into sleeping, because he knew how exhausted I was, thanks to the extremely busy past few days. We had both agreed on not bringing our laptops and devices we used for work; to dedicate time to us, and only us. 

By the time I woke up, we were already landing. Like an excited kid, I peeked out of the window, and seeing the brand new country we were about to set foot in, I turned to look at Chan with a huge smile, and I realized that he had been looking at me already. 

A slight crimson color rose to my cheeks, and the words of exclamation remained in my mouth as they were. Instead, what came out was a shy, "Chan?" 

"Yes, babe?" 

"Why are you...?" 

He cupped my face, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips, "You look adorable." 

A smile crawled up my face at that; he knew exactly how to work his charm on me, and I bet he knew that I knew that, too. 

"We've landed," he slyly spoke, "Take your eyes off me, baby." 

"Mhm," I shook my head, "I just got to have all of you. Let my eyes savor the taste of you." 

Chan giggled, "That's poetic." 

"If you're the muse, then so be it," I grinned as I spoke that. 

His eyes held mine with such fragility; they cradled mine so delicately that I was afraid of losing this connection. But now, it was all done. I had him, he had me, and we were one forever. 


"Just to let you know," I spoke, "I've never been here before." 

Chan stopped walking, and gaped at me, "You haven't?" and then a smile spread on his lips, "Well, that makes this honeymoon all the more special." 

"You know what makes it even better?" I asked. 

"Lemme guess: you?" 


He chuckled, and then grabbed my hand and led me forward. We were currently touring the streets of Paris, and it was nightfall already. The streets were lit up less by the sparkly lights, and more by the vigor of the people. The two of us were hand-in-hand, looking around, and Chan was boisterously telling me about the places he had visited here, and how his experiences had been. And honestly, I could listen to him gush all day. 

He led me to a darker alleyway, and I asked him, "Sir, are you going to kidnap me?" 

He turned to look at me, and with a comic, sly face, he modulated his voice to sound like a creep, "Oui, mademoiselle." 

I laughed, "You need to know that I am not fluent in French, my love."

"Those were the two out of five words I know in French, so there you go!" he laughed along, and the two of us staggered around the city, finally reaching the hotel we had already checked in at. 

We made our way up the stairs, since our room was on the first floor, and upon reaching our chamber, he did not open the door right away, but turned to look at me. I looked up at him in curiosity, "Hm? What happened?" 

He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, eyes locked with mine, "I'll tell you a secret, my love," he pulled me close to him by my waist, making me elicit a gasp, "If you consent to it, I'm eager to give you the best night of your life." 

Understanding his words, I blushed profusely, my mouth falling open. He chuckled at my reaction, and he repeated, "Only if you consent to it." 

And knowing that there was not a single reason why I wouldn't give in, I nodded, instantly attaching my lips to his. 

(a/n: wellllllll- nextchaptermightbeasmut- :")) 

how was this??? 

thanks for reading! i love you!)

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