episode 3: moments frozen in time

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I knew I was dreaming when I saw my older sister waving at me, back in her twenty-two-year-old self, enthusiastically calling out to me in her ever-so-sweet voice, "Kaira! Let's go out for a walk!" 

I walked over to her, still as my twenty-one-year-old self, dragging my feet to her form. Technically, if she was alive, she should have been twenty-three; two years older than me, but time had stopped for her. She could age no more. 

And in the spaces of time brought to a halt, moments frozen in time, I saw her. It was a dream, I knew it, but I saw her. It was the first time I had seen her in my dreams ever since the night she had passed away. And seeing her impression after so long made me feel emotional, even in my dream. 

"Eunji..." I found myself murmuring. 

"What are you waiting for, Kaira? Come on!" she urged, and then pulled my hand along with her. The gates of wherever we had been standing opened to the scene of the playground we had spent our childhood playing in. Nostalgia felt like the direct rays of a scorching summer's sun hitting me, splashing over every ounce of my being, and I was burning. 

"Remember these swings? You were always afraid of going on them by yourself," Eunji chuckled, pulling me along to them, "Are you afraid now?" 

"Afraid of losing you again? Yes," I croaked out, because even if this was a figment of my imagination, I did not want to let it go. 

Eunji smiled softly, "You're afraid, because you're hurting. Pain always brings along the fear of pain itself." 

"I cannot lose everyone I love, Eunji. I lost you, and with you went our parents' courage to love me. I don't love anyone else," my voice cracked as I explained, and she shook her head. 

"No, Kaira. You love another person, and you probably can never lose him." 

I paused, "Huh?" 

"Bang Chan. You thought I wouldn't know?" she scoffed, "Of course I would."

"That's completely different," I reasoned, and she immediately spoke up, "No, it isn't. Love is love, be it in any form. You're in love with Bang Chan and you die a little every day by believing that you're alone. You can change that. I can change that." 

"How can you? You aren't there with me anymore..." my eyes fell to the sandy ground; the same ground where I used to fall on whenever I sat on the swings by myself. It was always Eunji who would hold onto me if I had to swing; otherwise, I barely sat on them myself, always falling over due to lack of control over it. 

Eunji chuckled, "I'm your older sister, and I need to protect you. Like I always have. It's no different." 

"What do you need to protect me from?" I questioned, perplexed by the turn of events. 

"From yourself, Kaira. You're destroying yourself by being so lovelorn each day, overcome by sadness and despair, and I haven't been able to help. I'm sorry that I couldn't help all this time." 

"But he's an idol. He doesn't know me. He probably doesn't even have time for all this," I reasoned. 

"How can you assume all that?" she crossed her arms over her chest, "I want to grant you a chance to be with him. Love him until the desire in your soul is satisfied." 

"What are you going on about?" 

"This is a chance for you to be with him for as long as you can go, Kaira. When you wake up, you'll find yourself the happiest. All your dreams will come true, and so would your desire to be with Bang Chan. Just... the only catch is that once either of you dies, you'll return to this day yet again. Like this, again. With no memories of what happened." 

"This is ridiculous," I laughed in disbelief, "How can that be possible? What kind of dreams am I having?"

Eunji grinned, "You for sure are a creative person, but I'll always be a step ahead of you. I'm your older sister, after all." 

I watched her as she took my hand in both of hers, squeezing it tightly and smiling, 

"Love him, be loved by him, and meet me again." 

(a/n: ooooooh eunji didn't lie when she flexed about being the older one, i do it too hehe :3

THIS STORY IS ALREADY FLOPPING AHHHHH PLEASE SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDSSSS bec im working hard on this one, like really hard :(( 


thanks for reading! i love you!)

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