episode 28: our spot

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Reflecting on the car's window glass was the blissful image of a setting sun; the giant ball of fire dipping into the serene horizon, the fierce orange mingling with a dull blue. City lights shone on the glass like tiny bulbs, and got dragged away with the speeding vehicle -- they were merely flickers of light on my panel of colors. As I mindlessly watched the colors flash and pass, my mind shifted to a mode of self-reflection. 

These two years had been marvelous. 

As a music producer, I had helped Miko produce a range of songs on five different EPs, and had established a name for myself that stretched farther than a rookie musician. People knew me. They respected me. My parents were proud of me.

And Chan? I could easily remember that night. 

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him, flabbergasted and speechless. Although the two of us had been in a sort of relationship more or less, officially naming ourselves a couple blew me out of my wits. 

Chan smiled, raising an eyebrow, "Stara? I don't know how else to say this. Words are failing me right now, but I know that I love you, and I want you by my side for as long as we can go. I wanna stay with you, do the most cringe-worthy stuff with you, make you smile, have you in my arms. Would you like to be with me, too?" 

Gosh, how could I tell this man that I needed all this, and much more, for the longest time? 

"As you said, words are failing me, too," I breathily let out, tightening my grip on his hands, "Because it's inexpressible how much I want this with you. And only you." 

And I held my breath as I said this, "Chan, I would love to be your girlfriend." 

He had the widest, silliest grin on his face, as the moonshine graced his naturally beautiful features; the silver shine on his gorgeous face, dimly illuminated by the streetlights somewhere close by, accentuated the godly aura he was exhibiting. The moon was full and pretty, as I had noticed earlier, but that heavenly body could never compare with my moon, standing right in front of me. 

"You have no idea how much I love you," he spoke with an ear-to-ear grin, wrapping me up in a big hug -- the big hug that I had only ever seen in his livestreams, but now got to experience in real life. I held him close tightly, clutching onto him for dear life, and he rested his cheek atop my head. 

"Hmm," Chan said, "What should I call you now, Stara?" 

My phone buzzed, and I checked the caller ID to see that it was Chan. I gleefully picked up the call, "Hello?" 

"Hello, baby!" he chirped from the other end. 

"Hi, babe! Are you there yet?" 

"Yep, I'm waiting by our spot," he answered. 

"Oh, you're there already? Gimme two!" 

"Take your time, pretty. I'll see you soon!" 


Our spot -- the same spot by Han River, where the two of us had met and talked for the first time. Even if the two of us were dating, he was supposed to stay at the dormitory with the boys, as the company demanded. Both of us hated that rule, but then again, he could not possibly live without Stray Kids. 

"Ma'am, we're here," the driver spoke, and I thanked him, paying him the fare and climbing out of the car, putting on my mask. I walked a bit further into the riverside, and my feet led me to that spot automatically. It was like a muscle memory.


And the said man looked up at me, eyes crinkling adorably at my arrival. 

"Hello, my baby Stara." 

(a/n: cute cute cute~~ 

did y'all expect the time skip? hehehe :3 

how was thissssssssss? 

thanks for reading! i love you!)

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