episode 6: the sky

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I was so shaken.

There were glass windows beside me, and from those panels shone the bright blue sky, cloudless and clear, and it seemed as if the blueness of the sky cover was mocking me -- giving me a taste of seeing the man I have been so lovelorn for, up so close, and being so speechless that I couldn't even mutter a single syllable. My body had stopped functioning for a few minutes, and I was stunned by the sudden appearance of Bang Christopher Chan. I had only seen him on screen, and in my aimless, unfruitful dreams, but now, I had seen him. I had seen him in real life.

And the sky could never be the same shade of blue again.

In that lonely hallway, I stood alone, staring at the shiny surface of the elevator, as if Chan was still standing there.


"Good morning, I'm Kaira," I introduced myself to the two people in Room 4 on the third floor of JYPE, a boy and a girl, and they bowed back to me, standing up from their seats to show respect.

"Hello! I'm Kim Hyeon-ju, nice to meet you!" The girl chirped, her dyed soft pink hair bouncing as she moved.

"Hi, this is Kang Hee-yeol, and... you seem older than me," the boy joined his brows, his fluffy hair reaching down to his shoulders.

"Ah, yes, I'm twenty one," I sheepishly laughed, "How about you?"

"I'm eighteen," Hee-yeol spoke, and Hyeon-ju rolled her eyes, "Explains his brattiness."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm still salty over that last evaluation. You had no business messing up so bad!" 

"Well- I'm still a kid! And you're twenty-seven! You should have handled it!" 

The two continued on bickering as I awkwardly stood by the door, clutching my laptop bag and nervously smiling. Hyeon-ju noticed that, perhaps, because she cleared her throat, "Anyways, that was in the past. Welcome to this subdivision, Kaira!" 

"Pleased to be working with you," I eased. 


It was 5 PM by the time we were done practicing for the day. By practice, I mean doing the task we had been given for the evaluation at the end of this month, and for that, we had to produce a certain kind of track. Hee-yeol was good at writing lyrics as well, and Hyeon-ju was pretty wise about what had to be done when and where. It was rather a better learning experience than what I had expected. 

The three of us exited Room 4 and walked toward the elevator, and as both of them talked, I looked around to see whether I could catch a sight of Chan again. However, to my dismay, he was nowhere. 

"What are you looking for?" Hyeon-ju questioned, and I stammered, "I... uh... um..." 

Hee-yeol chuckled, "Lemme guess: you probably saw some other JYPE artists on this floor." 

"H-How do you...?" 

"Oh, that!" Hyeon-ju giggled candidly, "You see that room at the end of the hallway? A few JYPE idols use it, like 3RACHA and members of NMIXX. It's a free-use production studio, so whenever something is wrong with their other studios, they come here. And judging by the Wi-Fi in this building... it's not a rare sight to catch them here." 

"...Wow," I blurted out in wonder. 

There were times when I had wondered whether or not I will get to see Bang Chan up so close, but having tasted that experience very briefly this morning, I was getting greedier. Although I was perfectly okay with admiring him from afar, looking at the reason for my adoration's survival... it was a human tendency to want more. I was fine with loving him from a distance, but knowing that he was so close to where I was and yet having no idea what to do, my heart clenched. 

I just wanted to talk to him once. Tell him about all the dreams I'd had of him, the countless rendezvous we had fictionally been on inside my head, the amount of love I held for him; ask him whether he was happy and healthy, whether he needed to vent out or ease himself; just explain how loved he was. I just wanted to talk to him once. 

That night, when I went to bed, exhausted and longing for him, I happened to look at the full moon shining outside my window, shining it all its destructive yet gorgeous glory. And my only thought was a wish: 

I wish he was looking at it, too. 

(a/n: writing this at 5 am is not a solulu to my delulu, guys. 

but yay! new characters! i am trying to write how i THINK work would be like at the JYPE, and plus, this is fiction, so I hope y'all don't mind how ridiculous most of it sounds hahahaha 


thanks for reading! i love you!)

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