episode 27: how precious

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Those long walks after midnight became a necessity for Chan and me. 

With both of our schedules packed and necessary, we barely found time to interact during the day. Once in a while, he would visit my studio, or I would visit his, but what remained intact was the fact that we both never missed a night to spend walking together, hand-in-hand. 

Were we together? I could not place a finger on that. We had not asked each other out yet, but considering the amount of affection we showed each other, with the hand-holding and furtive kissing here and there, we were pretty much together. And I could barely believe it. 

Bang Chan was someone I had desired for years, and now that we were almost a couple, I... felt short of words. Nothing made me more baffled than the realization that I could hold his hand if I wanted to; kiss him if I wanted to. 

And tonight, as we walked on the bridge hand-in-hand, I spoke, "You know, Chan, I... I still can't believe that we have gotten so close." 

"Hm? Why so?" 

"Okay, this might sound odd and creepy, but..." I chuckled nervously, "I... I have loved you for a while. And it started years before we even met. Having you near me, now," I lifted his hand, caressing it, "With your hand in mind and your affection so evident, I..." 

Chan urged me to speak further, peeking at me. 

"I..." I continued, "Have been lovelorn. All for you. And these moments with you are what I want to steal away from the universe," I smiled, "These are ours." 

"I had no idea about that..." Chan thoughtfully spoke, "But I'm glad we crossed paths. What would I have been without you?" 

"Mhm! What would I do without you, Chan?" I nodded eagerly. 

"Heh, we talk as if we've been married for years," he chuckled, "Though I wouldn't mind that scenario." 

I widened my eyes at him, and he laughed; as always, he loved to flirt and tease me. It was the purest form of him; the most basic criterion of remaining 'Bang Chan' for him. 

"It's getting cold," he said, blowing into the mist and eliciting a puff of warm air into the atmosphere, "Don't you feel cold?" 

"Well, you're very warm, and that's all the warmth I need," I cheekily smiled, and he nodded in approval, saying, "Hmm, you're learning, I see." 

"Learning from the best." 

"Hahahaha," he laughed, "I wouldn't call myself that, but yes, you're a quick learner." 

"Oh, accept the compliment, you beautiful, young man!" I urged him, "You're the very best out there and you can't argue with that." 

"A very aggressive compliment, I see," Chan hummed, "I beg to differ." 

"I won't let you," it was the first time I was acting bold with someone, and it was thrilling in a sense. I was not someone to urge another into my opinion so much, but what I was sharing with him was not just an opinion -- it was a fact. 

Chan grinned at me, "You wouldn't back down, now, would you?" 

"If it comes to make you realize just how precious you are, then never," I left his hand, and we halted. 

"I'm not as precious as you, Stara." 

"Let me help you realize how precious you are," I gulped down my anxiety, and then my hands traveled up to his face to cup his cheeks. His eyes widened, and his eyebrows raised, and I began, "Bang Christopher Chan, you don't even realize how precious you are to me, to millions. You remain humble, I agree, but don't disregard yourself like this. Every time you do, I feel disregarded, because just like you said once, we carry pieces of each other in us now, don't we? You are beautiful, here," I kissed him on his cheek, "And here," I kissed him on the right one, "And here," I raised myself on my toes to kiss his forehead, "And here," I kissed him on his nose, "And here, too," I left a chaste kiss on his lips, "And everywhere I can't kiss right now. And as long as I live, I'll remind you of this fact. I... I love you, Chan." 

His eyes softened, and he melted in my two hands, "Stara..." 


"I know that you might think this is a spur-of-the-moment thing, but I need to ask this..." 

He detached my hands from his face and took them in his, squeezing them gently, 

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" 


you're going to see some changes in the story from here onward, and don't worry! i'm not gonna disappoint you (i hope)!! :D 

how was thisssss? 

thanks for reading! i love you!)

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