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Bai Nuosi received the cub information sent by Meng Si and only took a cursory glance at it. It said that Han Baiyi was in a 24-hour full day care class and had to be cared for by dedicated caregivers for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

  This cub is currently about three months old, which is about two years old when converted to human age. His language development is delayed and he cannot speak. However, his gross motor development is good. At least when he first avoided Mons, he ran faster than a monkey.

  There is nothing to pay attention to in terms of diet. The only thing that needs some advice is that this black panther cub is afraid of people and will hide no matter who he sees.

  Mons was troubled by this.

  If nothing else goes wrong, S-class spiritual beings will become the core talents of the imperial army in the future. Whether it is the interstellar frontline or the imperial border, these high-level talents will be needed to guard it.

  If you are always so afraid of people, it will be useless no matter how well Han Baiyi hides it.

  Bai Nuosi looked a little sad: "Why does this happen to such a small baby? Did something bad happen to him after he was born?"

  Everything has a cause, let alone such a small cub. Bai Nuosi believes that something must have happened after the baby was born, and maybe it was hurt by someone, otherwise the baby would not avoid people like this.

  Mengsi couldn't explain to Bai Nuosi that all problems with the spiritual body originated from their human body.

  If there is something wrong with the Black Panther cub, it must be because there is something wrong with Han Baiyi.

  Meng Si said to Bai Nuosi: "The black panther cub has only been in the park for two days. The specific situation will not be known until I get to know his parents tomorrow. I would like to trouble you to take good care of him tonight."

  This parents, of course, refers to Han Baiyi's family.

  Bai Nuosi nodded worriedly. He didn't understand why such a small cub should be placed in a nursery or 24-hour full care. It seemed that the parents of the black panther cub must be very busy.

  He was still worried: "Okay, supervisor, I will take good care of him. By the way, if you get to know his parents tomorrow, can you tell me the relevant situation?"

  He wanted to know the cause of the Black Panther Cub's situation, and then help him in a targeted manner.

  Bai Nuosi added: "While the baby is still young, many problems require early intervention. Supervisor, we should find a psychology expert to look at the baby."

  Mons: "..."

  No, it was Han Baiyi who should see a psychiatrist.

  I don't know how that guy passed the military school examination, but he hid it so well. The instructors' evaluations of him all the time were "physical and mental health!"

  That's outrageous!

  Mons gets a headache just thinking about this.

  It was getting late, and Mengsi couldn't bother him too much in Bai Nuosi's dormitory. He had already explained the simple matters to Bai Nuosi, and other detailed matters could wait until Bai Nuosi officially took up his post tomorrow.

  Meng Si said goodbye to Bai Nuosi, and couldn't help but peeked into the dormitory several times, and whispered: "Why doesn't the Black Panther cub come out?"

[BL] Being a Kindergarten Teacher for S-Class Spiritual Bodies [END]Where stories live. Discover now