Chapter 1. Konoha? [Edited]

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This is the rewrite of the rewrite...
Also, this is my first fanfic, and some facts won't add up to the actual Manga/Show. Like Kakashi's age when he had his daughter. And since it is a fanfic we can just say he was eighteen during the Kyuubi attack. Because you can really do whatever you want during a fanfic, including change a character's age. Of course there are some things wrong with facts and stuff because I sometimes make things up as I go, and I have a relatively bad memory so I don't remember certain details... which I should... but any who, until I go back and fix things, don't leave mean or otherwise hurtful comments, otherwise I'll report you, wattpad is especially strict about that. Only constructive criticism and helpful tips! Thanks, and enjoy!

Also... if you can get through the cringe that is the first couple chapters i think you might like this fic lol.

My body ached from the harsh training the Mizukage put me under. Bruises and cuts dotted my porcelain skin from hours of constant training. It even hurt to move a centimeter. So, I settled for looking at the clouded sky.

"I can't go on." I groaned.

"C'mon. You can do better than this." The blue-headed boy said standing over me, his knees slightly bent as he looked at me.

"But I'm tired and sore and-and- and..." I trailed off as he began talking again.

"In the beginning of this training, didn't you say that you would do everything you could to make your mom proud?" He asked me.

"Yes but-" He cut me off as he pulled me to my feet. "Then let's go another round." He jumped back away from me, his huge sword in his hands. His knuckles turned white as he gripped his sword.

Refusing to do anything more, I crossed my arms over my chest. I leaned all my weight on one leg and tapped my foot with the other impatiently. I had no choice but to dodge as he charged, his sword above his head.

There was a crater where I was standing seconds before. My eyes steadily scanned the surroundings, looking for any movement that would give him away. Suddenly, I felt his presence behind me.

I whirled around to see him above me, his sword swinging down at full force toward me. His sword slammed into the ground as I jumped back, dust flying on impact.

When the dust cleared, he was standing there with his sword blazing a neon blue color, he activated his sword.

He burst forward at full speed, his eyes determined. Quickly, I performed a set of hand signs. "Fire style: Blades of Glory." My chakra surged, flames erupted from my arms. They danced across my skin, towards the palms of my hands where the flames compacted themselves.

They then elongated into twin blades of equal length. The hilts materialized in my hands, allowing me to grip the sword tightly.

His eyes widened from the realization of what I was about to do. He tried to maneuver himself around and out of the line of fire.

It was to no avail, I swung with full force, aiming for one of his most vital organs- his heart. Blood spattered over my face as my blades bit into his skin. For a moment, I thought I had him as he fell to the ground with a sickening thump.

All of a sudden, he blew into a puff of smoke. A clone.

I was astonished and, mostly, disappointed that he didn't really die. "You thought you had me, didn't you?" A soft voice said from behind, a kunai pressed against my neck. He pocketed the kunai and I plopped down on the ground.

"You really wanted me dead." Chojiro laughed sheepishly. "I was so close." I sulked, a dark cloud of disappointment surrounding me.

"I guess we can call it a day." My eyes lit up, hope filling my invisible pupils due to the color of my eyes, "but, you have to do five laps around the training grounds." Groaning painfully, I pushed myself to my feet.


My body was covered in a thick sheet of sweat, soaking my shirt through. I pulled the shirt up over my head, tossing it in a random place on the ground.

I rolled to the ground, my arms splayed on each side of me. My chest rose and fell with each breath.

I don't know how long I lain there before I was disturbed. "Lady Yuzuki, how did your training go?" The little light in my life asked respectfully.

"Horrible." I replied, wiping the sweat on my forehead away with the back of my hand.

"As usual." Otaru muttered under his breath, his eyes rolling. "That's mean." I frowned rolling onto my stomach.

"That's the point." He supplied. "We are going on a trip." He said chirpily. "Where to?" I asked, raising a brow. "The Leaf Village." He smiled, he shouldn't smile. It's creepy.

"When? And why?" I asked, siting up and looking for my shirt. "Tonight and it's a transfer. You are going to live with your father. Ya know? The Copy Cat Ninja."

"W-W-Why!" I fumed, jumping up and grabbing my shirt. My next destination: Mizukage Tower.


I ignored the guards' protests as I slammed the door to the Mizukage's office open. "What is the meaning of this?" She demanded.

"Why am I being transferred to the Leaf?" I shouted at her, my fists clenching and unclenching.

The guards burst into the room, one of them grabbing my arm, I tried to resist but I couldn't get out of his vice grip.

"Stop this." The Mizukage ordered, slamming her hands on the desk. "But Lady Mizukage. She-" Cannot be trusted.

"Leave, immediately." She growled her eyes challenging the man behind me.

The door slammed shut behind us. "What were you saying?" She sighed, leaning back
in her chair.

"Why am I being transferred to Konoha?" I growled, my blood boiling.

"How did you find out?" She asked, not answering my question. "Otaru." I answered quickly, "Now back to my question- why?"

"Their Hokage wanted you there because your father is there. He believes that your father has the right to be the one to take care of you."

"But I don't even know him." I protested. "I know. But you will get to know him with time. You have to go and pack up your things." She said, turning to look out the window at the world shrouded in mist.

"Yes, ma'am." I bowed respectfully, slamming the door shut behind me.

This barely leave me any time to say goodbye to her.

The guards sent me hateful glares or fearful glances as I left the building.

People fear what they do not understand.


The door closed itself as I set my Mist Village Hitai-ate on the table next to the couch. "Won't be needing that anymore."

I quickly quickly packed my things, tossing everything into the bag unorganized. There was a purple scarf that she gave me. It was knitted by her.

Otaru would meet me at that place.

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