Chapter 23. Recovery [Edited 7/2/19]

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The nurses came and went; they wanted to make sure I was still alive. Although they had healed all of my injuries, there had been some complications when they tried to heal the damage done to my brain. It was healed, but they just wanted to make sure.

"Yuzu-chan!" A certain blonde ran into the room, jumping on top of me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Naruto... can't... breathe," I gasped as he released me and hopped off of the bed. "I'm so glad you're okay!" He cheered as Sakura punched him on top of the head. "Keep it down, Naruto! This is a Hospital!"

I smiled at the sight of them being so happy. "Could you guys keep it down. You're so annoying." Sasuke walked through the door, his hands in his pockets.

"C'mon Sasuke, don't be a party pooper," I said playfully. Smirking, he sat down in a chair next to the bed as Sakura began to scold Naruto.

Ten minutes later, we were interrupted by three people shuffling into the room. A girl with eyes similar to Neji's, but kindness in her eyes instead of the hardness they drill into shinobi. Then a boy with his face half covered and dark glasses covering his eyes and no other than the Inuzuka himself. "Kiba!" I held my arms out for him and Akamaru. Akamaru jumped into my lap as Kiba wrapped his arms around me.

Stepping back, he introduced me to his team, all the while I kept noticing Sasuke glaring daggers at the boy.

"This is Hinata Hyuuga, and Shino Aburame." He slung his arm around his comrades. "N-nice to meet y-you." The girl blushed as Naruto rushed up to them and greeted the group. "Hello." Is all the Aburame said as he went to sit near the window.

Not long after we could hear the vexatious whining of Shikamaru Nara. "This is such a drag."

"C'mon, it would be rude to not come and visit a fallen comrade. And plus, I'm sure Sasuke would be there too!" A girl squealed as she walked into the room. "C'mon Shikamaru, we won't even have to be here long." A boy said as he dragged Shikamaru into the room.

The girl with blonde hair rushed over to Sasuke and clung to his arm. "Sasuke, it's so nice to see you again!" She squealed.

My eyebrow twitched, she's even worse than Sakura.

Sasuke glared at her as Sakura ran over. "Hey Ino pig, off of him! He's hers!" She shouted, pointing a finger at me.

"What?!" Ino and I both shouted at once as the blonde immediately stepped away from the raven-haired boy. "H-how- b-but!" Ino fumed, turning her glare towards me. "Why would Sasuke fall for a girl like you?!"

"Hey, I'm just an innocent bystander sitting in a hospital bed! See?" I pretended to cough as the girl crossed her arms and stomped to the corner of the room. "Jeez! What do you people see in him anyways?" Kiba asked, irritated. He stomped over to Sasuke and glared at him whilst Sasuke glared back.


The ninja in the room got into multiple arguments, Sakura arguing with Ino and Naruto challenging Kiba to another fight. "You wanna lose a second time?!" He shouted.

"This is such a drag!" Shikamaru whined from across the room.

Soon, all the noise and fighting became overwhelming for Yuzuki and the heart monitor she was hooked to began to beep erratically as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her whole body convulsed in the bed. "Hey guys! Just shut the hell up and go get help!" Sasuke shouted as he tried to push her shoulders down to keep her still. Everyone went silent, their eyes full of fear for their comrade as doctors rushed into the room.

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