345k Christmas/New Year's Special

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I think SasuYuzu shippers will be happy with this :) but then sad in the end

There may or may not be typos and grammar mistakes. Some parts were written in the middle of the night after getting random inspiration. I did my best to fix it but I probably missed some.

Also, credits to the original artist for this art that I found on pinterest!

Sasuke Uchiha had never really cared about Christmas. At least, not since the Uchiha Massacre. Before that night, Christmas mornings were his favorite thing. Itachi would sleep in a sleeping bag next to him that night so that they could both anticipate the next morning together.

His older brother would wake up just before six o' clock just so he could wake Sasuke up as soon as the clock struck six. They'd run to wake their parents up, who were up late the night before making sure their kids were asleep and to put the newly wrapped presents under the tree.

They'd open their presents together, while Fugaku and Mikoto drank their freshly brewed morning tea. The chilly morning air didn't bother them as much as it normally would, as they were so focussed on the gifts they had received.

Then later that day they would join the rest of the clan to have a wonderful Christmas dinner together.

Sasuke scoffed bitterly at the memories of his childhood. The young teen kicked a rock in his path on the way to his apartment, where he now lived by himself since the Hokage didn't want him to live in the abandoned Uchiha compound. He used to love the Holidays and now he hated them.

The young Uchiha was currently going to get ready for a Christmas party that Sakura was throwing for team seven (along with the other teams) and Yuzuki urged him to go because Sakura would have been heartbroken if he didn't. Sasuke didn't understand why the Hatake even tolerated the Haruno girl, considering she was really annoying at times and even seemed to think that they were in a competition for his love.

Little did he know that Yuzuki thought of Sakura as a sister, and didn't mind the notion of a competition since it kept Sakura occupied. That and it was entertaining at times when Sasuke would get annoyed about it.

But, much to his chagrin, he listened to her anyways. They weren't even together anymore—which was his own fault— and the Hatake continued to care about him. It was rather annoying since he was trying so hard to keep her out of his mind. And what made it even more difficult was the fact that he couldn't even say no to the girl.

If she asked him to do something he would obviously argue about it but, in the end he would agree to do it. Which is how he ended up in this situation.

Sasuke unlocked the door to his apartment, tossing his keys to the side as he went to get ready for the party.


Yuzuki was indifferent to the holidays. Of course, when she celebrated with her mom she loved Christmas. Despite the mist remaining humid and warm, not really a setting for the day, it was still the greatest there was.

She would stay awake all night in anticipation of the holiday but as soon as the time hit five she would be fast asleep and not wake up until noon. There would always be a mild feeling of disappointment for not being up at six to open the presents. Her mom would laugh at her and tell her that if she went to sleep like she was supposed to, then she would have been up in time.

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