Chapter 20. Preliminaries

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The silver headed Hatake watched as Naruto and Sasuke tried to catch fish bare handed in the river they were camped out at.

She sat in front the fire being built by Sakura as they waited for the fish to get caught. Unfortunately, her pain was still there, it was becoming unbearable, she decided not say anything. Yuzuki didn't want to place a burden on their shoulders, so she just bit her lip with each throb of her head, and swallowed whenever a wave of nausea hit her.

She wanted to help Sakura with the fire, but she couldn't keep moving or else she would end up killing herself before she got to the end of the second exam. Sasuke had to carry her here when she tried to move but cried put in pain.

Snapping her out of her thoughts, Sakura hummed, causing Yuzuki to shift slightly so that she could see Sakura. "What is it?"

"I don't have anything to make the fire spark." Sakura sighed and sat down on her behind. The Hatake lifted her hand over the fire and willed chakra to her hand, even though it hurt like hell.

A burning flame came to life in her hands and she transferred it to the fire. The pinkette's emerald eyes widened a bit. "How did you do that?"

"It comes with practice." Yuzuki replied, seeing the girls face drop, she didn't know what to do, so she just turned around and went back to watching the boys. Sakura appreciated that the girl didn't say anything to her.


Sasuke and Naruto eventually got into a competition of who could catch the most fish. They tied.

Finally, after the two argued about who won, they brought the fish over so that they could cook over the fire. Sasuke sat next to her, their shoulders bumping together and Yuzuki's cheeks heated at the memory of what happened between them only hours ago.

Sasuke sent her a smirk, only Naruto noticing. Since he was sitting next to the Hatake, he nudged her slightly, so as not to hurt her.

"Yes, Naruto." Her voice was almost a squeak. "You and Sasuke, huh?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively and made kissing sounds. Yuzuki's eyebrow twitched, she punched him in the arm, making him fall over and her wince, she forgot about her ribs.

"You okay?" Sasuke whispered, she nodded. Sakura did not miss a beat, she noticed the exchange between the two and a look of hurt and sadness crossed her face. Yuzuki noticed the expression on her face as she got up with her head hanging and walked into the forest.

"I'll be right back." She struggled to get up, eventually she was finally on her feet, breathing uneven.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke tried to get her to sit back down but she shook him off as she trudged into the forest, her hand on her ribcage. It took a few minutes before the Hatake found the pinkette.

Her was between her knees, small sobs wracking her body. Yuzuki nudged her lightly with the toe of her shoe, making Sakura look up at her, her eyes red and puffy.

"Don't put yourself in so much pain over a boy. It's not worth it." The silver headed ninja spoke softly, hoping the girl didn't hate her. It's not that Yuzuki liked her at all, but she was her teammate, and teammates look after each other.

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