Chapter 2. Journey [Edited]

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My hair swayed in the breeze slightly as I knelt down in front of her grave stone. The writing in stone showed her name in bold letters- Yuki Teruo.

"I hope I can make you proud, Mom." I whispered as I wrapped the scarf she gave me around the stone. It fell around the bottom of it, resting in the grass withered from many days without sunlight.

"Are you ready to go?" Otaru asked, standing behind me, his head bowed to my Mom.

"Y-yeah, just a minute." He nodded and walked out of the gates of the cemetery. "I love you, Mom. I will make you proud." I sniffled as I pushed myself to my feet, holding back the tears. Looking forward, I slowly walked away from her grave. Leaving my past behind.


It was dark by the time I made it to the village gates, no one stood there except for a shadowy figure.

"I'm sorry to see you go. But goodbye." Lady Mizukage stood at one of the pillars, resting her body weight on the smooth concrete. "I'm sorry, too." I mumbled quietly. "And tell Chojiro I said goodbye." Waving at her and taking one last sad glance at the Mist, I stepped beyond the gates, hearing them creak closed behind me.

"I know you really liked Chojiro, Lady Yuzuki. But you have to move on and make friends in the new village. It will be easier since they don't know about you." The small dog informed me, he looked up at my dull face.

I wished that the Hokage didn't know that I existed. Although it was nice to know that there was someone out there with enough humanity to want you with your father, to even go to these lengths, it hurt to leave the place where my Mom was buried six feet under. Sleeping peacefully. Or, that is just what I wanted to think.

"You don't have to go, you know? We can turn back right now." Otaru suggested, his eyes sparkling. "No. I must be strong. My Father is the only family I have left, I want to meet him." I shook my head, walking a little bit faster.


The journey to the Land of Fire was long and boring, with nothing to do, life can be pretty boring. We had to cross the ocean that separated us from their land. Most of the people on the boat were Shinobi from the Mist village, their blue vests were quite prominent.

I'm pretty sure that they were on this boat to watch me, of course. I was a monster that was not to be underestimated. Or it was the fact that I could kill everyone on this ship within seconds. I shrugged, either way, I don't like being watched.

I gripped the Katana I had collected from one of my past opponents. He was an ANBU from the Sand village. Because of my skills, they sent me to the Land of Wind to infiltrate their ranks and release a certain prisoner they held captive.

They wanted me to release the Shukaku. But something told me that if I released the Shukaku, my life would be in danger, along with the people who would have been killed in the crossfire.

Some of these men that usually were posted to watch me would turn and try to kill me. Against the Mizukage's orders. But strangely, none of them paid no mind to me, they acted like they had no problem with me. It must be my paranoia.

When the boat docked, I stopped just after I walked off the ramp, stretching my sea legs. I watched the Mist ninja carefully as they got off, making sure they weren't going to try to kill me.

Sighing, I left the docking area. "I am very amazed at the restraint that those men have." The silver furred dog whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "They might not even want to kill me." I whispered back, making his eyes grow wide. "That's new." I nodded in agreement.


The walk was long and hot. Sweat broke out on my forehead during the day while at night the temperature got so low it was hard to breath.

By the time we got to the village gates, I was a hot stinky mess. "Halt. Name and reason for your visit." The man ordered. "Yuzuki Hatake and I'm here to speak to the Hokage." I answered nonchalantly, looking down at the ground tiredly.

The man examined his clip board for a minute, turning a page every few seconds. I almost became worried that we were not on that clip board. Then he looked up at me and said, "Yuzuki Hatake and Otaru, follow me." And he turned on his heels and headed down the street.

We stopped at a mahogany door where I could sense guards stationed around the building, there chakra levels were pretty high. So it must mean that they were skilled Jonin or even higher, they could have been ANBU.

The man raised  his hand in a fist to knock on the door. Knock. Knock. Knock.

After about a minute we hear the shuffling of papers then a voice that almost sounded like a croak said, "Come in." The dark haired man opened the door and bowed to the Hokage before saying, "You have a visitor." And I stepped out from behind him.

The old, wrinkly man looked me  up and down, almost like he was sizing me up, before telling the man that he could go. The door closed with the sound of the lock clicking into place.

"I am Yuzuki Hatake and this is my dog-" He waved his hand, "Yes, I know who you are. I have been waiting for you." I was taken aback by his words.

"I know that you must miss your old village but we have to get you situated as soon as possible. So I am assigning you to a Genin team of five." My eyebrows furrowed, "But I am- was a Chunin." I protested. "The standards in that village are different than ours. And our Jinchuriki is on the squad you will be assigned, we need your kind of power to keep the nine-tails in check. Here is a map to your Father's home, and a Hitai- ate." He held them out for me. Shakily, I grabbed them and pocketed the map, and I wrapped the band around my head and tightened the knot.

"It is a pleasure to have you in our village." There was small, worn smile on his old wrinkled lips. It was very comforting.


A man appeared before the Third Hokage, a senbon between his lips as he knelt before the old man. "What is it, Genma?"

"You made sure to tell Kakashi about his daughter's arrival, I hope," the man with the senbon spoke. He was well aware that the man had a daughter. But, with his friend being separated from her for so long he had pushed her memory away, since it was too painful. He could never see her. Kakashi would remember once he saw her.

Kakashi of the Sharingan had too many enemies to make frequent visits to the Teruo village. He wouldn't always be there to protect her if one of his enemies made the connection. While Yuki wouldn't let him bring them back to the Leaf because she was the heir to the Teruo clan.

Hiruzen's eyes widened before giving a small, apologetic smile. "It may have slipped my mind."

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