Chapter 18. Promise

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Everything had gone down hill from the moment Team Seven had stepped inside the forest of death.

Screams echoed throughout the forest not even ten minutes after they entered. It was strangely horrifying to think that Genin were killing other Genin.

Yuzuki ran along the tree limbs, in the direction she felt a strong amount of chakra, where she felt her Team Seven's chakra.

She knew that if worse comes to worst, Otaru would protect her comrades. Before they sent her to go and check on their other friends, she had summoned the ninken to protect them.

Before she could even find a team, she had felt a strong mass of chakra, and the surge of chakra within her friends. Instantaneously, she turned around and headed in that direction.

She wasn't more than a few kilometers away when she felt icy dread flow through her veins at the shrill scream come from Sasuke. Her pace quickened, she was just a blur as she jumped from limb to limb, until she found herself among her friends.

A man, she had recognized that face, she would never forget that face, it was the face of the snake man. Orochimaru. She vaguely remembered his face, it was a face she had seen so long ago. It was a face from her nightmares.

She almost froze in place, but she had to get to Sasuke, he was in the middle of a large branch, keeled over with his hand clenching his neck; a curse mark. She had realized, it was what he had tried to give her once.

A large snake was headed straight towards the raven haired boy, the boy tried to move, but it only resulted in more pain.

Yuzuki grabbed three shuriken and her chakra surged as she threw up a wall of black chakra, shielding Sasuke from the beast.

The beast bounced back, the wall shattering after the silver headed ninja stopped the jutsu. Lunging, she threw the shuriken and blood spattered as they were embedded into the snakes skin. She landed beside Sasuke her arm immediately wrapping around him protectively.

"Well, well... I see that you have made something of the gift I've given you." Orochimaru hissed, his low chuckle echoed through the clearing. The snake man stood atop his summoning snake, a smirk on his face.

"I don't know that I would call it a gift." She snapped, her glare burning into his soul.

He chuckled, "My dear, you must remember the day I gave it to you, it was the day I killed your clan. And do you remember the day I killed your mother? The fear in your eyes. It was a delectable sight."

Yuzuki froze, she hadn't known who had murdered her mother, hadn't wanted to know, even. Learning it was this snake, she began to shake, "Don't you ever, talk about my family, again." She growled. She went to lunge at the man when she felt a hand grab hers.

"Don't... you can't... defeat him..." Sasuke groaned, wincing from the pain in his shoulder.

Yuzuki's eyes softened at his weak state. "It'll be fine, I'll be fine. I promise." She smiled at him, her palm on his cheek, an expression of affection in her eyes.

Her eyes flicked to Sakura, who was shaking behind a growling Otaru. And she noticed Naruto was standing protectively in front of the pinkette.

"Sakura." The pinkette jumped, her eyes landing on the Hatake, relief flashing in her emerald eyes.

"Take care of these two, if anything happens to me. Just please, take care of them." Sakura nodded shakily, and she attempted a reassuring smile.

"And Otaru, protect them with your life." The ninken nodded.

Yuzuki's face hardened when she felt a shift in Orochimaru's chakra, he was readying himself for something.

"You will mot go unpunished," she growled, a massive amount of her chakra surging, she grabbed a kunai from her holster, and she lunged at the man.

Her kunai clashed with his, a smirk on his face as he licked his lips with his snake-like tongue.

Snarling, she activated her chakra, "Fire Style: Blades of Glory!" Her arms erupted into a burning flame, the fire concentrating in the middle of her palms, elongating into a makeshift sword of fire.

Swinging, she slashed at the snake man, he jumped back, and dodged her every move, until she swung both bladed at once and she cut his arm off.

Orochimaru chuckled as he opened his mouth wide and something horrible that would never leave her memory happened. He crawled out of his own mouth, saliva and other liquids covering him. His arm was attached to his body once again.

Yuzuki was frozen in place, until she heard Naruto and Sakura screaming for her to move. Finally, when she heard Sasuke screaming her name, she snapped out of her horrified trance and jumped out of the way just as the snake but down on the branch and splinters scattered everywhere.

Gritting her teeth, she jumped onto the snakes head and ran at Orochimaru, until a certain white haired ninja appeared in front of her, and she stopped inches away from a poisoned kunai aimed straight for her chest.

"Kabuto." She snarled, grabbing her own kunai out of her holster. "Hatake, sorry for this. But I have to take you with me." He lunged at the girl and their kunai's clashes, sparks flew with each collision as they battled it out.

Yuzuki was able to get a few hits in, blood seeped from his wounds, they weren't serious, but enough to slow him down. She lunged for him, not realizing that it was a clone she was she was attacking, until something embedded itself in her thigh and she screamed.

Looking down, she found a kunai lodged deep in her muscle, blood gushed out the wound as she felt to her knees.

"You..." She glared at the boy in front of her, the smirk on his face was enough to make her blood boil, she was out to end a life, and out for revenge. She knew it wouldn't end well when she worked through the pain and continued to fight Kabuto. But she did it anyway, her anger clouding her judgement.

Without noticing, the summoning snakes tail swung for her, she hadn't noticed until it was too late. It slammed into her stomach and her back slammed into a tree trunk, her head snapping back and colliding with the rough bark with a loud crack.

She tumbled down to the forest floor, one voice echoed in her head as she fell into the abyss below.

It was Sasuke who had told her not to go, Sasuke who had screamed her name. She failed him. She had promised she would not get hurt. But she did anyways, and she would pay for it.

She hit the green grass of the dark forest floor, hearing her ribs crack upon impact, she didn't have the energy to scream.

The Hatake barely had the energy to keep her eyes open as she watched for Kabuto.

He never came.


See you next chapter!!

It'll most likely be next Saturday or during the week sometime!

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