Chapter 25. Training [Edited 7/2/19]

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Yuzuki stood at the entrance to the Village Hidden in the Shadows, her eyes on the crumbled path before her, and the bones lying at the edge of the path.

A stoic expression was present on her face, it did not hold sadness nor anger, but it held nothing, although her body movements gave her emotion away. Her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides, showing that she was nervous.

"I'm back." She whispered as Otaru entered the village and scouted out the perimeter. Taking a step forward, she went past the barrier.

She kept going, not letting her fears stop her.

Yuzuki held her head high, her eyes roaming over every crumbled building, every blood stain. It pained her to see her village that was once great like this, deserted. Empty.

Snapping out of her daze, she turned to Otaru when he trotted up behind her, "I didn't see anything suspicious, but..." The dog looked away.

"But what?" The Hatake crossed her arms and saw something move in her peripheral vision. She drew a kunai and flung it to where the shadow was, but it dissipated and the blade embedded itself in the wall behind it. "What?!" Yuzuki gasped.

"That, I think, is a ghost." Otaru stated.

"What do you mean?" The girl growled, scanning her surroundings on high alert. "He means that he saw a ghost." A voice, wore down with age and years of battle, spoke.

Whirling around, the girl found herself face to face with an old woman, the skin under her eyes crinkled and frown lines on her skin. "But-this can't be! Ghosts aren't-"

"Then why am I here? Right in front of you?" The old woman brought her face closer to the girl's. She was speechless. "You look just like your mother," the old woman circled around her. "You're not of pure blood."

"I'm a Hatake as well as a Teruo."

"Hatake... strong clan, I understand now that most are dead?"

Yuzuki nodded, her fists clenched, "Who are you?" She turned to look at the woman. "Your great grandmother. The dreams started, that's why you're here? No?"

"How did you know about the dreams?"

"I was a Jinchuriki of that same beast inside you as well, but I learned secrets no other Jinchuriki had learned. And you came here for answers."

"I'll give you the answers, follow me." The woman left into a tall building made of stone, the wall almost crumbled to the ground, and vines wrapped around the wooden posts. "I said follow me!" The old woman roared and Yuzuki jumped in her spot and ran after the woman, Otaru following closely behind.

"This is the underground chamber, it was used for sealing the beasts inside of a new vessel." The Hatake trailed her fingers over every symbol, every intricate curve.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked, looking back at the woman. "This is where you will get your answers as well as train."

"Before we start training, I will tell you what you want to know."

"Tell me everything," Yuzuki sat down, her back leaning against the wall. "That may take awhile, I'll have to show you." The old woman's eyes burned gold, sending the Hatake into a trance.


"I believe I have shown you everything," the old woman stepped up to the center of the sealing circle.

"That was everything?" Yuzuki held an expression of disbelief. "Yes, your training will be taming the beast inside you and the beast that has been kept hidden away from the other nations and villages for a hundred years."

"There's another beast?"

"Yes, it was meant for the one Teruo who has the Kin no me, the ocular powers of this clan, passed down every other generation or so. And that is you."

"Me?" Yuzuki had an expression of bewilderment, her dark eyes wide. "Wait! How come I never knew about this- the other beast?" She asked, getting on her knees and raising her clenched fist in front of her. "And my mother had gold eyes like you! And some of the others!"

"It was a secret of the clan, no one knew except the elders, so I knew, and before our deaths we all agreed that it would be me who gave the next wielder of the Kin no me the beast. And here we are." The old woman came forward, her kimono swaying as she moved. "It is time for your training," The woman, despite not being a living form, pressed all five of her fingers onto the girl's abdomen, chakra flowing to the tips of her fingers and the girl screamed in agony. "And as for the gold eyes, they were born with those. They had no power in them."

"What are you doing to me?!" Yuzuki screamed, trying to move but not being able to. Her limbs were numb, all she could feel was the burning in the pit of her stomach. "I am sealing Reiko, a beast that took the form of a tiger, inside of you." The woman let the girl fall in the middle of the circle, her limbs twitching and sweat rolling off her skin.

Performing several complicated hand signs, the woman dipped her fingers in ink and began to write on her arms and hands. Then she went over to a barred wall, seals covering each bar and along the floor. "Seal release," the old woman whispered, the seals disappearing, and the bars opened.

Yuzuki could sense an immense chakra, it did not have the desire to kill, but it was still dark. A creature stepped out from the shadows, its body was red, with chakra flowing freely off of its body. It resembled a tiger but it was much larger.

"You have finally let me out. Big mistake." The tiger charged the old woman, only to run into the wall behind her. "What?!" The beast roared as the woman placed her hands on Yuzuki's abdomen, the markings transferring from the woman's skin onto the girl's abdomen, the marks burned a bright red and the beast was sucked in.

Yuzuki screamed out as the markings burned into her skin, leaving scars behind. She panted as she tried to move, her motions only brought more pain and she winced, curling up into a fetal position as it felt like there was a weight in her stomach, the burning feeling beginning to ebb away.

"Why... did you do that?" Yuzuki asked in between breaths.

"We need to get started as soon as possible. The process takes a long time and you need to learn how to use all of your powers, from both beasts."

The Hatake screamed, it was struggling to get out, she felt it just under her skin.

"Otaru, leave now. Or you'll get caught in it." The old woman ordered the dog and he took one look at his master, a worried look in his eyes before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

He left just in time as an explosion rocked the earth and everything seemed to burn away, destroying the building and anything surrounding it.



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