Chapter 46. Assignment

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Chapter 46. Assignment

It had been good. She was training with Tsunade, she and Sakura were getting along—it was good. Then Tsunade had to go and ruin it all.


Yuzuki dodged a chakra charged punch from Sakura, her response being a kick to the stomach which the girl blocked with her arms. The Hatake did a back handspring, landing in a crouch while performing hand seals. A blue glow surrounded her hands as Sakura charged at her, just as the dark haired girl swung at her with the chakra scalpels, she side-stepped. Yuzuki swung her leg out, sweeping under the girl's feet and sending her tumbling to the ground.

She charged a fist with chakra, and swung at her head, hitting the ground next to her. Cracks blossomed around her fist, causing the earth beneath them to crumble and they fell into a crater. Once the dust cleared, they heard a slow clap come from the edge of the crater, where the saw the Hokage standing, a slight curve to her lips as her pig-tails swayed in the wind.

"I would say good job, but now we have to find a new training ground," the woman crossed her arms over her chest and turning on her heals. "Yuzuki, come see me this afternoon, after you finish training with Kakashi."

"Yes sir!" The aura surround the blonde suddenly changed.


"Um, Yes, ma'am?" Yuzuki hissed as Sakura punched her in the shoulder.

"Good," the blonde continued walking away.

"One day, you're going to get us killed," the pinkette next to her grumbled, dusting herself off and jumping out of the crater with the Hatake following.

"I think she likes me," the girl shrugged and her friend nearly choked.

"Likes you? If that's what she does when she likes someone, then I'd hate to see when she doesn't like someone," they both shivered.


Yuzuki growled at the lock on her door, then realized that she was pulling instead of pushing. "I need some sleep." She shook her head, slapping her cheeks lightly as she entered her home. It was true, she hadn't gotten any sleep since—well, since Sasuke left. She did not think it was because he left, but he did keep the nightmares at bay. It was strange to her.

Now the nightmares were more intense, and in them Danzo succeeded in extracting her demons, along with... other things. Nails raked down her spine and she squeezed her eyes shut, pushing away the thoughts of her experience. Of all times, why was she thinking of her kidnapping now?

With her eyes squinted shut, she hadn't been able to see where she was going do she ran into a fairly strong chest. Peeking up through one eye, she spotted familiar lavender eyes that seemed to send her slight glare. "Hey, Neji," she sent him a small smile, and he scrunched his nose.

"You smell terrible," he commented, causing her to glower at him.

"I could say the same for you," she slapped his arm, poking her tongue out at him. "Um, why are you here, anyway?"

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