Chapter 4. Team? [Edited]

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Edited 28/3/16  AT 3:30 PM.

I live in America but writing the Date: Day, Month, then Year seems more logical. And it spices up my life a little bit.

The two walked in silence as they made their way to meet their team. It was really awkward since they had just met each other. "So... Do you like bread?" Yuzuki asked awkwardly, twiddling with her fingers.

Kakashi chuckled at her, "Yes, of course I do." He said, ruffling her long, silver locks. She sent him a small glare and fixed her hair. "Do you think that this village will treat you differently?" Otaru asked from beside her, his neck craned to look at her face. The silver-haired girl looked at the ground, "I don't know..." She trailed off when she noticed Kakashi trying to listen in.

She glared at Otaru with a look that said 'don't talk about things like that when other people are around.'

He looked down at the ground, his ears went flat on his head. Yuzuki wanted to say something, but she decided otherwise; so they didn't make a scene in front of her father. He could never know. If he did know, he would probably be revolted by her, he would feel that it would be an insult to his clan to have her as a daughter. She avoided Kakashi's gaze, making sure only to look at her surroundings and at Otaru. But Otaru had gone off somewhere; she ended up having to settle for observing her surroundings.

Kakashi sighed, "You know, if we're going to be living together and eating together... Then we're going to have to be able to talk to each other." She turned her gaze toward him, her piercing eyes staring into his. She holds herself together well, and hides behind a mask as well... a mask that has been used well over the years...

"Yes, but, if we are going to eating and sleeping in the same compound then we need I need to be able to trust you..." She paused for a moment, debating whether or not she should tell him this small bit about herself. She finally came to a conclusion; if she were to ever be able to trust him, she would have to tell him about herself little by little. "It's been hard for me to trust people... because of this world that we live in."

Yuzuki POV

I sighed, that wasn't so bad after all. But, I still had to be careful of what I let people know. I couldn't let anything slip, it would be disastrous if people knew the real me. They would look at me differently; it would be like the Mist village.

"Whoa, watch where you're going." Kakashi grabbed my shoulders. In front of me was two red doors; I almost ran into them. "T-thanks." I pushed his hands off of me gently, pushing open both doors. They swung silently their hinges, allowing us to hear the sound of bickering somewhere inside.

We walked a short way down the hall, stopping at a sliding door with an eraser wedged into the top of it. Kakashi stepped in front of me, opening the door slowly, he didn't notice the eraser. I snickered in my head as he opened it and it fell on his gravity-defying hair, dust flew everywhere as the eraser bounced lightly off of the floor.

I deadpanned when I heard a laugh booming from the room and looked over his shoulder. It was a boy not much older than me with spiky, blonde hair, a Hitai-ate fashioned around his forehead and three markings on either side of his face. I could already tell that he would get on my nerves.

"My first impression of you guys... You're all idiots." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Now, is that any way to talk to your new team?" I scolded him, pushing past him and walking into the room.

There were rows of seats going all the way to the back of the room. Like bleachers. A single boy sat there, his raven hair shining in the sunbeam coming in through the window. It was the boy I saw last night. He met my gaze, a flash of recognition appearing in them.

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