Chapter 34. Shadows [Edited 7/9/19]

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This is a kinda fun/ serious chapter. I had enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoy reading it!

Chapter 34. Shadows

When Yuzuki was out training with Neji, she was interrupted by a loud and obnoxious voice. A voice that she knew very well. She turned to look at the boy just as he was about to clobber her. Side stepping, the girl managed to dodge his attempt.

"Ow. OH!" He jumped up, glancing around. Neji sighed and sat down.

"Why must he be so loud?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, glaring at Naruto.

"It's just who he is," Yuzuki shrugged her shoulders before grabbing Naruto by the shoulders and shaking him.

"Naruto! Calm. Down. Now tell me why you're here. And when did you get back?" Naruto stopped talking about random things and nonsense, he seemed calm. But, not everything is as it seems.


The girl winced at the volume of his voice. "Kakashi already recovered. And who is the new Hokage?"

"Tsunade, a Legendary Sanin, and-"

"Yes, yes, I know who she is. The most talented medical ninja in the land."

"You mean, you found her?" Neji interjected, almost causing Yuzuki to jump out of her skin. Naruto nodded, grabbing Yuzuki's hand and pulling her away. "Naruto, where are we going?"

"To see Sasuke and Grandma Tsunade!" Naruto pumped his fist in the air, then turned his head back to Neji, "Sorry to interrupt your date!"

"It was not a date!" Neji called back. Yuzuki smiled back, waving goodbye.


Sasuke opened his eyes, groaning as he tried to move. Sakura, who was standing at the edge of the bed, scooped him into her arms, blubbering like a fool- at least that's what Yuzuki thought. Sasuke's eyes met Yuzuki's, and she smiled at him, grabbing his hand. She still was not sure if she would end things. That was not what she wanted to be thinking about at the moment.

"So you mean to tell me that this girl figured out how to heal Kakashi with the Nara kid?" The blonde woman raised a brow, crossing her arms over her chest. The woman looked the girl up and down, "She doesn't look like anything special." Then the girl turned her head and she saw her eyes. The woman's eyes widened before composing herself and straightening her back.

"Um, this girl is standing right here, and this girl is the daughter of Kakashi, and this girl did in fact figure out how to heal him with Shikamaru Nara," she quipped, turning her attention back to Sasuke. "We'll talk later," and she left the room.

"Well she certainly has sass, I'll give her that," the woman looked over at Naruto, who seemed eager to get to the next person he wanted her to treat.


Yuzuki sat at the spot where she first met Sasuke, that one night where she ventured upon these training grounds. She wondered if training was worth the cost of losing Sasuke. But if she wanted to protect him and her friends, she had to. He was the one she was to protect, and her connection to him would cloud her judgement.

He would hate her. It had to be done.

Once the sun went down, she started her way back to the Hatake compound when she saw her hawk in the purple- pink evening sky. What would the Hokage want at this hour? She turned in the opposite direction, towards the Hokage Tower.

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