Chapter 13. Inari. [Edited]

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I dedicate this chapter to everyone who takes the time out of their day to read my Fanfic. Thank you.

If Sasugay seemed a little OOC last chapter, sorry. Just Kidding again. It's my fanfiction and I can do what I want with it.

Well, here's the next chapter.

3rd POV

Sasuke and Naruto burst through the door, panting like dogs. Scratches scattered across their porcelain skin. They supported each other, more like Naruto was being dragged by Sasuke.

Yuzuki walked through the door, closing it behind her as she stepped into line next to the two  ninja. "I caught a couple rats while I was out on my walk." Said the young Hatake, gesturing to the two boys. "Who... you... callin'... Rat?" Naruto panted, one eye pinched closed.

"Oh, no one~" She sang. "What's this? You guys look super dirty and worn out."

"No, they look super clean and not like they were just training intensely." Said the silver-haired Kunoichi, a sarcastic tone evident in her voice.

"Both of them made it to the top of the trees, but Naruto seems a little worn out compared to the Duck-Butt. He'll recover pretty quickly though." Yuzuki said, walking over to the two, beginning to heal Naruto's wounds.

Kakashi spoke, "All right! Naruto, Sasuke. Starting tomorrow, you two will also help protect Tazuna- san."

"Ok." They both replied breathily, Naruto winced as Yuzuki healed the last of his cuts. "You're free to go. Can't have you all cut up tomorrow." She said.

The young Hatake treaded over to the last Uchiha, kneeling down to begin healing his wounds. The Duck-Butt decided that he didn't need her help and pushed past her, giving her the cold shoulder.

What the hell was that? The young Hatake asked herself, getting up off her knee, walking to the table. She took a seat across from Sasuke, Naruto to her right, and Kakashi to her left.

The young Hatake stared at the youngest Uchiha, her eyes nearly slits. What was his problem? She wondered, resting her chin in her hand.

Kakashi seemed to notice the tension between the two, glancing between her and Sasuke. "I'm also worn out from today's bridge work. At any rate, the bridge is almost complete." Tazuna announced breaking Yuzuki's attention from the Uchiha. "Great, we'll finally be done with this mission."

She looked around the table, seeing that Naruto was nearly asleep, she kicked his leg. Making him jump in his seat. "Who... who?" He trailed off, letting his head rest on his arm.

"Naruto -kun, Father, don't over do it, ok?" Tsunami, asked bringing some tea and refilling the ninja's glasses.

"Mm Hm."


They both replied simultaneously.

Meanwhile, the young Hatake was looking at the young boy, Inari. His eyes were hooded by his hat, a solemn expression occupying his face.

Inari scanned everyone's faces, tears forming in his eyes. Finally, the tears began streaming down his cheeks. "Why... Why..." He wept, sniffling.



Both Naruto and Yuzuki answered at the same moment.

"Why do you guys bother to try so hard? No matter how hard you train, you're still no match for Gato's men! No matter what glorious claims you make or how hard you work, when facing the strong, the weak will only end up getting killed!" He tried to reason with the young ninja, slamming his hands down on the table.

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