Chapter 8. Another Mission. [Edited]

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Edited 11/10/16

Hope you like it! ;)

As I walked down the dirt pathway thoughts of losing Otaru raced through my mind; those men did something to him. And only time would tell whether or not he would be okay. I didn't know what I would do without him, he was my best friend through all those years of being alone. It would be hard to move on from such a great loss. Stop.

I needed to get him to a healer, maybe the Inuzuka Clan could help me. They specialized in healing dogs, didn't they? Running, I sent a burst of chakra to my legs so that I would get to the village faster.


The sun was setting over the horizon when I stepped through the village gates, the streets were brimming with life that evening. How ironic. My dog was laying almost lifeless in my arms and the citizens of Konoha were out having fun and getting drunk after a long day.

Avoiding the crowded street ways, I made my way down the less crowded streets, making my way to the Inuzuka compound where they could hopefully diagnose Otaru. I could not think about if they didn't, I could not think about the ifs. All I needed to think about was getting him some help. And then I could worry about the what ifs.

The faint glow of the Inuzuka compound came into view, their lights were on, which meant that they were awake, and I could get their help. I could here talking and laughing from the outside as I neared the entrance to the compound. Even though I could not tell what they were saying, they were quite loud, and that was just about three people from what I could tell of their voices.

A man, a woman, and younger male voice.

Everything silenced when I knocked at their door, they must have not been expecting anyone at this time in the evening.

There was the almost inaudible sound of shuffling footsteps before the door opened and there stood a boy. His eyes were big and brown, there were red marks on his cheeks, which must have been a clan thing.

The boys canines were unusually sharp for a human; but I guess it was normal around here.

"Who are you?" He scratched his cheek and squinted at me. "I'm Yuzuki, but I came here to get help for my dog, Otaru. He was injured on a mission and I don't know what happened to him." I sounded pitiful, I must have looked pitiful; like a lost puppy.

Glancing down at my arms, he turned around and walked back into the compound, waving his hand for me to follow. So I did.

It didn't take long for the boys sister, Hana, to get Otaru settled in and they began to take blood and started an examination. They told me to come back in the morning to get the test results and I just nodded and the boy led me back out to the entrance of the compound.

When I turned around he was leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. "Thank you." I bowed slightly and turned on my heels before taking a few steps. But I was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist gently. "What?"

"What's your name?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. The boy was handsome, with his dark hair and perfect skin. "I already told you my name." I stated as he let go of my wrist. "Your full name." The brunette elaborated. "Oh, Yuzuki Hatake."

"I'm Kiba Inuzuka, it's nice to meet you." He smiled, a cute smile, baring his canines and a rose tint to his cheeks. "I'll see you around." I nodded and walked off, I could feel his eyes on me as I left. It seemed as if I couldn't get away fast enough. I needed time to process what's happening.

He'll be fine. I told myself. Then I hid behind a wall as soon as I got to one, and vanished into a puff of smoke, appearing in the living room of the Hatake compound.

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